Back For Good.

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When I got home I met Jake and Josh, I gave them a big hug and smiled at them and I said"I missed you guys really"and then Josh said "We missed you too! and of course you have a lot of things to tell us".I wish I could tell them everything about Devon and their Dad. And then Jake said "Yes and we missed your first year in college give us all the details". Then David and Mum came downstairs and then I stopped smiling and I excused myself and went upstairs. After a while Jake came to meet me he said "Hey baby sis what's wrong? Josh and I saw the way you left." Inside me i wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't I didn't want to cause a rift between father and sons so I said to him "Nothing is wrong...Am fine". And then he asked "Did you see Devon while we were away?".When he said this i lost my balance, I remembered everything Devon did to me and then I couldn't hold it anymore, I started crying....

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