Father Figure(1).

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After two years i leant to live without my dad everything seemed okay all of a sudden mum decided that I need a father figure and she's getting married to David Wildes!!
Although I answered her with a simple nod that it was okay. I had so many questions on my mind like Has she forgotten dad? Why do I need a Father figure? and so on but there was no one to answer me.
Two weeks later she told me"Ava my wedding is in three weeks and I want you to be my maid of honour"she said, for the first time in two years i decided to give her a real answer besides yes,no,okay or nodding. So I replied her saying"Alright mum,but why are you getting married?"she was shocked maybe she was expecting a simple okay but she replied me"Ava sweety, he makes me happy and.."I didn't even let her finish when I asked her"like dad?".

I Am AvaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang