Devon's Truth(2).

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We finally got to a quiet park and then Josh said "Ava what's wrong? Tell us you can tell us anything you know that right?" I nodded and then I said "D...Devon" Jake then asked"Devon,what did he do to you?"then Josh said "Ava what did Devon do?" "He..Devon..he raped me"and then I started crying all over again Josh stood up immediately "Devon did what I swear Jake am going to destroy him" and Jake replied him "Wait Josh,Ava,when?" "When...I went to his place to call you" Jake then asked "To call us why Devon?" "Yes when...when your Dad seized my phone.. and my mum wasn't around... I wanted to tell you something important". Jake and Josh then said "Did you tell anyone?" I said "No,I don't want anyone to know at home please". They said no problem but surely they must deal with Devon. I wanted to also tell them about their Dad but how could I?..

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