Meeting The Colemans(3).

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After dinner and chatting with Eric's mom, she's actually very nice and I think she likes me too. Then I went upstairs to talk to Eric because it was already getting late, I saw him talking to someone and I heard him say "Of course not bro, Ava is not like Zoe, she'll never hide anything from me, besides I already know everything I need to know, I trust her" I felt hurt and really guilty, then I knew I had to tell him everything, I was lost in thoughts when I felt someone hold my hand then I snapped back to reality and saw Eric and he smiled,I managed to smile back and he said "Come i want you to meet someone" and he led me into the room where he came out and I met a guy there and Eric said "Ava, I want you to meet my older brother, Justin, Justin meet my girlfriend Ava" I smiled and said Hi and he said "Nice to meet you Ava, my brother had told me a lot about you, its really nice to finally meet you" he smiled at me and I managed to smile back. After that I told Eric, I needed to go home.

I Am AvaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora