A Chance...

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Eric got to the cafe before me and when I saw him, the first thing he said was my name and I said "Eric..you..you wanted to talk to me and I also really want to talk to you." "Yes, Ava please just give me a chance..I promise...I" he replied "Eric you know I feel the same about you I like you really" I paused "that's why...I've decided to give it a chance" I smiled "Really?" he asked smiling, I nodded smiling. "Thanks really I promise I'll never let you down, so dinner at that cool new restaurant, I'll pick you at 7.00pm." He replied smiling, "Sure"I smiled. Eric dropped me home after we spent the whole day together when he dropped me off and then he said something that really got to me he said "Ava, thank you for giving me a chance really, I'm very happy to be with a very honest and beautiful girl" I hope when he finds out the truth..he won't hate me...

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