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Kiara rushed to my house on Saturday I was wondering what was wrong and she told me "Its Eric". Jake and Josh were also present. She said "Ava i just saw Eric, he knows you've been avoiding him and he's asking why he said "did I do something?" Ava you need to talk to him please" I stood up about to walk away when Jake held my hand and said "She's right Ava you need to talk to him, he really likes you" I sat back. "Yea Ava,Jake is right" Josh said. After a few minutes I said "I don't want to talk to him, he should find someone else not me he can't like me". "Ava you shouldn't be too hard on yourself" Jake said "Ava you need to forget about what Devon did you need to let go" Josh added, I stood up almost crying "I can't I've tried...its not just Devon..i can't also forget what..." I had forgotten I was talking to Jake and Josh then Kiara said "Ava" then I realised but it was too late Jake and Josh said "Forget what?"

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