The Text(1).

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"Ava, Eric called me and he told me everything" Kiara said as she paced around my room "Ava come on this guy is very nice just..." She continued then I cut in and said "Kia I can't, am not good enough for him" I said crying. Then she came to sit beside me "No Ava don't say that, I know a lot has happened but Eric really likes you am sure" as she said this my mum came in and said "Ava she's right" and then I replied her immediately "He might like me now but when he finds out about everything he'll hate me". My mum was about to talk when my phone sounded, it was a text from Eric it said:
"please i need to see you
I know you don't want to
see me but....please just
this once. Tomorrow at
the cafe beside the
college I really hope you
would come."

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