A Friend (1).

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Josh and Jake told me that they'll would surely deal with Devon and they did but i really didn't know what they did i just heard some one saying he is in the hospital Jake and Josh didn't tell my mum we all kept it secret, they assumed i was fine but then i still wasn't, But i pretended everything was fine, i just couldn't tell them about their Dad and what he did it's just impossible. Today at college i met that guy Eric again and i thought of how rude i was to him the last time so i walked up to him and said "Hi, Eric am sorry about the last time, am not always like that" and he said "Of course its no problem." Then Kiara came along and she said "Hi Eric, never mind what Ava did she was having a bad day" and he said no problem.... Kiara and i were about to leave when Eric called my name and said "So Ava would you like to have lunch with me? ". I was about to say no but Kiara said " She would love to."

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