What Now?

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David didn't come home for the next two weeks and mum said she was going to get a divorce, For the first time i really felt her pain, not that I told her though. The past few weeks has been hell for me, I didn't even leave my room Jake, Josh and Kiara tried their best to make me feel better but nothing seemed to be working then mum said "Jake, Josh, Ava and I will be leaving in the next few days." They were shocked and even more shocked when I said "No mummy i don't want to leave Jake and Josh" she was surprised and then she said "Ava but.." I cut her and said "Mum,I know, i also don't want to stay here but i don't want to leave Jake and Josh either". "Clara I know my dad is wrong but separating us like this won't work" Jake said "Okay then, Ava what do you want because I know am getting a divorce" mum said.

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