Devon's Truth (1).

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"Why are you crying Ava? what is the matter?" Jake asked but I just kept crying and then he called out to Josh, when Josh came in he came with my mum "Ava,my baby,what's wrong?" My mum asked and then Josh said "Ava what's the problem why are you crying?"and then David came in and he was looking at me and then he left. When I didn't stop crying Jake placed my head on his chest and then he said quietly "Do you want to go away from here?" I nodded lightly and then he said to Josh "Josh the atmosphere, get the keys lets go" and then Josh left and my mum said "Jake what's wrong with her?" He replied her "I don't know" and then we both left the room and then Josh got the car ready and we all left the house Josh drove while Jake sat with me at the back asking why I was crying. I didn't know what to tell them, about Devon or their Dad or both...

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