A Friend (2).

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And then he smiled and looked at me probably expecting me to say yes but i just couldn't so i said "No..am sorry i can't i have to go somewhere..maybe some other time" he smiled and replied saying "How about on Friday?" I looked at Kiara and then her face was like Ava if you refuse I'll kill you...but i couldn't say yes either a lot of things ran through my mind i was like what if he is just like Devon? wearing a nice face but has a heart of a beast?, I also wondered what if he's just like David? I didn't know what to say i was so lost in my thoughts that Kiara tapped me and said "Ava what's the problem?" I replied saying "Nothing" and then i looked at Eric and said "Maybe..if i have time?" and he smiled at me and said "Alright then, so Friends?" he stretched out his hands to shake me and i replied him by shaking him and i said "Friends."

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