To Tell Or Not To Tell?

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"Ava, you have to tell him the truth, you cannot afford to build your relationship on the basis of a lie, you'll both get hurt, I know you're scared that he might leave you, but have you thought that what if he doesn't leave you." She paused to let it sink "Ava, if you don't tell him the truth, it will affect you later, I know what i am saying, i really hope you take my advice this time, whether to tell him or not?, but if you do and he leaves, it doesn't mean you're the one with the problem and if he doesn't it means he is genuine" she said as she stood up "Clara I have to leave now, Kiara bye and Ava take care care of yourself" she said and left. I looked at my mum and Kiara and i said "Mum, Kia what should i do, Tell him or not ?" This became another issue...

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