Movie, Ice-cream& Shuns(1).

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Kiara came over to the house on Saturday to make sure am going to actually go,she met my brothers, Jake and Josh and also my mum. When I introduced her to my mum she said "Ava has never brought a friend home it's really nice to meet you"and Kiara smiled lightly and said Thank you. I never told anyone about Eric more or less him taking me out so I introduced her to Jake and Josh and she blurted out about Eric and I going on a date "....His name is Eric and he his coming to pick her up to watch a movie"."Really Ava, is that okay?" Jake asked really concerned "Its fine Jake"I replied him "Ava I don't think you should go right Jake?" Josh said and Jake replied nodding. "Jake,Josh I'll be fine if there's a problem I'll call you" I assured them. Five minutes later Eric arrived. Then we all came downstairs and I introduced him to Jake and Josh then Jake said "Bring her back by 7.00pm and take care of her, seriously nothing must go wrong with her"Eric nodded and smiled lightly and then we left...

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