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Katelyn's pov
"Well Katelyn we meet again!"she said. I gritted my teeth knowing the pain she's put me through. "Ivy! Why are you here!"I shouted. "Oh no reason...till now I have some business to take care of."she said as she reached for her sword. I realized that I left my firefist on the boat. I looked over at Nicole and she didn't have any weapons. Shit!! She took her sword and put it up to my neck. Nicole sat there in fear but I knew that she would help if she had a weapon. Soon something came out of an ally and hit the sword out of her hand. I soon noticed that it was Travis. Damnit!! I told him I can take care of myself and I don't need protection! Ugh if I had time she'd be dead! "Leave!"he shouted. Ivy's eyes shot open and she tumbled back. She soon got up then left leaving her sword. "What the hell Katelyn! You'd could have gotten killed!"he shouted as he hugged me. "Travis! I knew how to defend myself and right when I was about to move you showed up!! Why the hell did you follow me here!"I shouted. He soon let go. "Your pretty stupid if you thought the love of my life was going to be killed on a trip."he replied with a smirk. I was about to reply when I heard a thud. I turned around to see that Nicole fainted. "Shit!"I yelled as I picked he up bridal style. "I'm taking her to the medic. And what are you going to do stalk me?"I asked him. "Well since I'm already here I thought I could stay."he replied with a dumb smile. I rolled my eyes. "Fine."I said as I stated walking to the medic. He ran to catch up with me. "So how's you ur trip?"he asked. "Fine."I replied. We finally made it to the medic. I was greeted by a girl with blond hair that was in a braid. "Excuse me...uh well my friend just fainted and I don't know what happened she just fell.."I explained.  The girl nodded then pointed to a bed where I set down Nicole. The girl looked at Nicole. "She passed out from a panic attack shall be fine I'd leave her here just so I can do a test really quick."the girl explained. I nodded. "Thank you."Travis said. We walked out of the medic hut and sat down on a bench. "So now what??"Travis asked. "We are going to talk about why you came on my short trip with me."I said. "Oh heh well you see I was going to let you go but then anxiety took over and I hoped on the boat and hid till we got here."he explained as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Hun you know I can take care of myself and don't need a guard."I said. "Yeah well I didn't want someone come to the village to say the love of my life is gone."He said. I leaned closer to him and soon kissed him. He kissed me back passionately. We soon broke the kiss and in moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I soon felt something pull me away from Travis. I looked over and saw my brother jake. "Yeah no cuddling in my village." He said as he sat in between us. "Still over protective as always."I said. I looked over at Travis he looked annoyed. "Anyway what's up how's life?"my brother asked. "It's alright. Where's the rest of the family?"I asked. "No one told you!?"he exclaimed. "No.."I said with a confused expression. "They left...only me and Taylor stayed. Conner said he was sick of this boring village and he moved to umm o'kasis an-"he started but I cut him off. "WHAT!? Conner moved to o'kasis!?!"I yelled. He nodded "so did the others me and Taylor stayed here."he added. "You don't think they will work for Zane do you?"Travis asked. "Irean I hope not. I'm worried."I said. "If that's the path they chose to take let them go."jake said. "Besides who knows if they would even John the jury of nine."Travis said. "No... I know Conner and the first thing he'll  do when he gets there is join."hake said. "Irean help me."I said as I put my head in my hands. I felt someone rub my back. I looked up and saw Travis. "Where's Taylor?"I asked. I need to talk to him he's the second oldest. "Probably making out with hos girlfriend."he said. "Okay where would that be?"I asked. "I'll take you to him."jake said. I nodded. We followed him to the middle of town. I saw Taylor talking to another guy. I walked up to him. "Hey Tay."I greeted him. Hi so called friends wolf whistle at me. I rolled my eyes and heard growling coming form my two brothers and Travis. "Woah okay Im gonna say she's taken."his friend said. The guys nodded. "Katy this is my friend Tyrone."he introduced me. "Hey.look I really need to talk to you."I said worried. "Okay hang on I'll be right back."he said as he followed me. "You just let three of your brother move to o'kasis!!"I yelled. "Yeah we don't always have to be together when mom died we left as a group as you left us alone!! KATELYN IM WAS 10 AT THE TIME!!!!"he yelled. "WHEN MOM DIED I WAS RUNNING FOR MY LIFE TRYING NOT TO GET SHANKED BY THAT ASS HOLE!!"I yelled back at him. "We're all going to split up and none of us are going to be close just let them go."he said not caring. "You know Conner and Jay will become work for Zane."I said. "And that's not my problem."he said. "How did you become so heartless?!"I shouted at him. "Katelyn. Let's go you need to cool down."I heard Travis say behind me as he put is hand on my shoulder. "Fine... Taylor I hope you'll be alright."I said. He nodded. I soon walked with Travis away from my brothers. I felt like I was going to break down. Tears escaped from my eyes. Travis stopped and turned me to face him. He whipped away my tears and told me everything was going to be alright. Shit this is going to be a long week.

Hey!! Yeah ik lizzy and Laurence were not in the last two chapters but they will be in the next one that's all for know later!!

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