Chapter 27

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Chapter 27- Ethan's Point Of View

"Kendall!" she yelled. "You know what she would have done if I didn't do it. I know it was horrible and I'm ashamed that I hurt my sister, but I couldn't risk getting everyone hurt and maybe killed."

I was standing there the whole time, hiding quietly behind the door frame where I knew I couldn't be seen.

What was Kim talking about? Other than Ash, who else was capable of killing? And had a motive to? Were really that bad of a group of people to be threatened to kill us again?

"Oh please the Rushers would freak if someone did that. They'd all fly over here to protect us," Kendall joked.

It wasn't really a time for jokes, but it got me and even Kim to laugh. But as soon as it had gone, the seriousness in her voice came back. "Ken I'm serious. This is a big deal and not a time for jokes. I need your help."


My footsteps seemed loud and heavy as I stepped onto the porch of our old house. The wood boards weren't creaking under my feet like usual, guess Dad finally fixed them.

I reached for the key hanging around my neck and unlocked the front door. "Vanessa!" I called as I made my way up the staircase. I made it to her door and knocked on it. I waited for a little and listened for a response until I knocked again. "Vanessa?" I pushed open the door.

Her room was dark and practically quiet except the small murmur of her radio in the corner. She was laying in her bed, the blanket curled around her and her hands covering her face.

I walked over to her bed and laid beside her, making sure not to wake her up. She stirred and I felt her get up. "Ethan?" She croaked. "What are you doing here?"

I faked a smile and hugged her tight. "I missed you." Although the smile was fake, my words were genuine. Vanessa laughed and got up from the bed.

"That's sweet," she said as she did a quick messy bun on her hair. "Come on, E. I bet you're starving. I'll make you a sandwich. "


The sandwiches were delicious, but Vanessa's jokes as we ate made it hard to swallow my food. Once we were finished, I drank the rest of my glass of orange juice and Vanessa took our dirty plates. She put them into the dish washer as I got up to put my empty cup in there. "Do you want some ice cream?" She asked me.

I shook my head and laughed. "What?" Vanessa asked with a confused expression.

"When have you ever been this motherly like?" Vanessa gaped at me and laughed.

"I don't know. We've been through a lot this summer. It changed me. And you guys too. I mean come on, you're only sixteen Ethan and you've already been kidnapped, almost killed, and there's a pretty good chance that you met the girl that you're gonna marry."

I pondered about what she had said for a few minutes as she cleaned up the kitchen. She was right. For someone so young, I had practically lived the life that most sixteen year olds didn't. Same with my sisters.

Vanessa surely had changed. She had grown a few inches taller and her hair cascaded beautifully over her shoulders. Her eyes were never dull, instead sparkled. Dark circles started to form under her eyes from the numerous restless nights worrying, crying, thinking, and overthinking. She started to look and act more and more like our mother before we had grown up and she spent her time traveling with our father.

"Hey Vanessa?" I called. She turned around to face me. "Did the cops ever tell you when Ash gets out?"

Vanessa nodded. "They told me that he would end up in there for life. There's no need to worry, Ethan. Okay?"

Just at her words, I felt more secure.

But suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door.

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