chapter 17

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Chapter 17

   As i stepped out of my bedroom, I spotted Kendall on the couch, texting away on his phone. I quickly crept up behind him and tried to look over his shoulder. He hid it behind his back and I glared. "What are you hiding from me?" I asked curiously. 

"Okay you got me. I'm pregnant," he confessed. I gasped dramatically. "James will be so proud," he said, wiping away an invisible tear. 

"Oh joy! My son is pregnant!" Mrs. Knight said as she entered the room. I laughed as Kendall's face turned a scarlet color. 

"Mom I can explain! Please don't throw me out!" Kendall pleaded. I saw James, Logan, and Carlos enter behind him and i had to bite my lip to stop from laughing. "James and I were in love. We confessed our love for each other and we ended up sleeping together. Now here we are. I'm pregnant! Please forgive me mother!" 

"It's true! We're in love!" James said. Kendall jumped. James glided across the room to Kendall and picked him up bridal style. "Oh Kendall. I'm so happy that we're having a baby. I'm a father!" James said. They stared at each other and then burst into a fit of laughter. 

All of us were laughing our butts off. Once we all calmed down, I got up on my feet but then started to laugh again. I slipped and fell on my butt, laughing. 

After all our laughing, I wiped away a tear and got up successfully without falling. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. 

"Um I don't know. But all I know is that after all of that laughing, I'm starving," Kendall said. Mrs. Knight cleared her throat and suddenly we all noticed the steaming hot plates of food. We all gasped and raced to get a plate. Mrs. Knight shook her head at our childish behavior and we all smiled innocently as we ate our cinnamon rolls. 

"Ugh I need a manicure," Kim said as she dusted off her nails. 

"Me too," James said as he looked at his nails in disgust. Mrs. Knight looked at him weird as all of us laughed. She rolled her eyes at our weirdness and laughed a little with us. 

When we all managed to calm down, we sat on the floor, doing practically nothing. Kim and I lied down on my floor, making angels in the air as Kendall, Logan, Carlos, and James had a staring contest. Logan stared at Carlos as he stared back. Kendall stared at James as James stared at himself in the mirror. 

"You guys wanna see our little play that Kim and I made when we were little?" I asked. A round of sures came around and Kim and I smiled. Katie walked into the room and Kim and I rushed over to her. We whispered what we were doing in her ear and she smiled. "Action!" I said.

"I am Betty and these are my two daughters Sun and Diamond," Kim said in a British accent.  After our little intro, we started the play. "Daughters, I am going to go to the kitchen and wash the dirty dishes!" 

"Well Diamond what should we-we-we..." I said before putting both of my hands on my neck and pretended to die. I fell on the floor and acted to be dead.

"Sun? Sun?! My sister!! Mother!!" Katie said in her fake British accent. Kim came back running in and  dramatically gasped. 

"What happened?!" she asked in her fake accent. 

"She-she-she..." Katie said, before doing the same thing like me and dropping to the floor. 

"My daughters!" she screeched. She ran over to me and picked up my head. "Sun! Sun is dead!" she said before putting me back down, roughly. Then she ran over to Katie. "Diamond! Diamond is dead!" she screeched. "My daughters! They're-they're.." She dropped to the floor on top of Katie and died. "And cut!" she said. 

We all got up and looked at the laughing boys. We all laughed ourselves. There was a knock on the door and I ran over to the door to open it. The 2 detectives walked inside and grabbed James. "James Diamond you are arrested for kidnapping Ethan Tanner," the female detective said. We all became confused. 

"What? James didn't do it! He couldn't have!" I said.

"Well we traced the text you got to his phone so we are taking him in for questioning," the male detective said before taking away James. 

James couldn't have done it.  Right? 

A/N: heheh that's a hilarious chapter. And I left you guys with a cliff hanger. Yeah. I'm sorry but I had to do it. xD haha anyway hoped you enjoyed!! <333

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