chapter 18

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Chapter 18

  As they dragged away James, Kim, Katie and i burst into tears as the rest of the guys stayed in a shocked state. I locked myself in my guest bedroom and pulled my legs up to my chest and let it all out. After a few minutes of crying and being afraid, I actually started thinking. 

James couldn't have done it. If it was his phone, my phone would have had his contact on it. James wasn't there when I ran away from the PalmWoods. Plus James loved Katie and Ethan. He would never hurt them. 

But if it wasn't James then who could have done it? 

I stepped out of my bedroom and walked to the bathroom. Once my eyes weren't red rimmed and puffy, I stepped out of the bathroom and knocked on Kim's guest bedroom's door. "Come in," she said. 

I opened the door and peeked inside a bit. "You okay sis?" I asked. She wipes away some tears and looks up at me. She gives me a light smile, that I could tell was forced and nods.

"Yeah I'm fine. I-It's just crazy to think that we trusted James and now he's being arrested for kidnapping. It's just scares me. Like I don't know who to trust anymore," she explains.

I nod and click my tongue. "I know how you feel."

"Oh yeah. I'm guessing you're more scared than me since.. you know..." she trailed off. I nodded and sighed, sitting next to her.

"Yeah but I'm okay."

She sighed. "Actually I don't think that James actually did kidnap Ethan. Do you?"

"Uh no. That's actually why I came here for. All of us know that James would never do something like that. Plus there are a lot of things that prove that he couldn't have done it," I said.

She eyes me carefully. "And..."

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "And I think we should investigate to see who actually kidnapped out baby brother. So you in?"

An evil smile crept onto her face and she nodded. I smiled.

 Once Kim was calm and focused, we gathered in the lobby with a note pad and pencil. "Okay so let's start jotting down all the things that has happened," Kim said. I nodded and wrote down all the events, from Ethan first getting kidnapped to James being taken away. "Mkay so what happened when Ethan first got kidnapped?" 

"Well we threw a small party for me for getting the lead role. Then when it got late Ethan and Katie went to the apartment to sleep and we got Camille to watch them while they were in there."

"Then after about an hour we left and came back to our apartment. Then we all slept and i heard Katie scream and I rushed to Ethan's room," Kim said. 

I nodded my head and chewed on my bottom lip as I wrote down what happened. "Then I found Katie crying and when we stepped out there was a picture of Ethan and someone's hand over his mouth. Then Camille came in with the boys and she was talking to 911," she said. "Okay I think that's it. What happened after that?" 

"Um I got the first mysterious message from this guy named 'J'," I said. 

Kim nodded and chewed on her bottom lip. "Okay so let's go through all the people we know with J's in their names." I nodded and thought about it for a moment.  

Jacob, Jared, Jason, John, Jeremy......and the list went on. Except we forgot one person. James. No it couldn't be him. Right? Just because his name starts with a J doesn't mean anything. There are many people that have names that start with a J. That. Doesn't. Mean. That. James. Did. It. 

Oh come on Vanessa. Just say what everyone else is thinking. Maybe something made James do it and maybe he did kidnap Ethan and threat you. 

No. I'm not listening to you. It can't be true! James loves Ethan and Katie and me, he wouldn't do anything to hurt us!! 

"Vanessa. Vanessa. VANESSA!" Kim yelled. My head snapped up to look at her. 

"Hmm?" I asked.

Kim raised an eyebrow and rolled her eyes. "I said I was going to go get a smoothie. Do you want one?" 

"Um yeah sure." She nodded and walked off to the park to get us some smoothies. I got up from my  seat and walked towards the elevator to the second floor. As I opened the door to 2J, I heard someone call my name. My head spun around and I saw Ash running towards me. 

He smiled as he reached me. "Wow. I've been looking everywhere for you!"

I laughed a bit. "Well you found me!" I said. 

"What's that you got there?" he asked, indicating my notebook. I hid the thing behind me. 

"Oh nothing. Just my journal," I said, nodding. 

"Hey do you still have that golden bracelet that your mom and dad gave you that has your name one it?" he asked,

"Um yeah," I said, looking down at my golden bracelet. Then something clicked. "Wait. Ash how did you know I have a golden bracelet that my parents gave me?"

"Uh you told me when we were dating remember?" 

I looked back at the years when we dated and shook my head. "No. I never told anyone that I have this bracelet. Only my brother and sister know about it. No one even knows that my name is engraved on it."

He licked his lips and blinked. "Well I saw it on your dresser one day when I went to your room back at your house. Remember, you asked me to get your something in your room and I found the bracelet there," he tried to cover up.

I shook my head again. "No Ash. I NEVER take off my bracelet. No matter what. So how did you know that I had it. And don't tell me you saw it on my wrist cause I hide it very well," I said.

I narrowed my eyes at him and stared him down. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he sighed in relief. He took it out and looked at the screen. "Well I gotta go. Bye Vanessa!" 

I raised an eyebrow and entered the apartment. That was odd......Now I see one of the reasons why I broke up with him.

A/N: ugh. I don't really like this chapter so much. It's boring and messed up. I think too much of my random ideas are in it. So it makes it really bad. Sorry guys. But at least it's a chapter. I'll update as soon as i can. <33 love ya

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