Chapter 28

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Chapter 28- Vanessa's Point of View:

But suddenly there was a knock on the door...

My eyes widened and my heart was beating a million times a minute. "Ethan," I whispered to him, slowly backing up towards the staircase with Ethan hidden behind me. "Go upstairs as quickly as you can and lock the door. If you hear me scream call cops." Ethan looked at me with wide eyes and nodded, but he still didn't move. He was frozen from the horror. "Now Ethan, Go!" He snapped out of the trance and sprinted up the stairs.

Once I heard the click of the lock on the door, I ran to dad's business room and reached under the desk. My hand searched under the desk for a couple of seconds before my fingers brushed the cool medal of the shot gun that dad hid under there for safe keeping. I ran back to the living room and knocked back the couch so I had cover.

The pounding got louder and I ducked down and redied myself to aim at whoever was going to burst through that door. Finally, the door burst open and I got up from my cover and pulled the trigger at the person at the door.

A familiar scream came from the doorway where I had shot. "Vanessa! Vanessa, it's just me. Now put the gun down." Kim stood up straight from her crouching position with her arms over her head and let out a big breath.

I let out all the air that I didn't know I was holding and ran over and wrapped my arms around Kim. "Oh my god, are you okay?!" Kim nodded.

"I'm fine. But I don't think the porch is." I looked at her questioningly and then over at the porch where there was a bullet hole in one of the columns. Kim and I laughed drly. "Okay, one, where did you learn how to shoot a gun, two, where did you find a gun in this house?"

"It's a long story," I replied. "Why are you here?"

Kim sighed. "See, that's another long story."

I checked my watch on my right arm. "I got time." Kim cocked her eyebrow. "You first," she said.


One thing led to another and I found myself laying on the floor beside Kim and staring up at the ceiling of our living room. The couch was still on its side and blankets and pillows were littered on the floor where Kim, Ethan, and I decided to create a fort. There were two wine glasses, one on either side of Kim and I filled with whatever liquor we found in our parent's "hidden" stash. I didn't know what time it was, but I knew it was late. No sounds could be heard except for the quiet creaking of the house as it swayed and Ethan's snoring.

I turned over onto my side, resting mostly on my elbows so I could look at Kim. "Kim," I whispered. She responded with a barely audible hum, to reassure me that she was awake and listening. "Do you hate me?" I asked.

Kim turned over to face me. Now we were looking at each other. I could barely make out her face in the darkness, but I had a feeling that she was confused. "No? Why would you think that?" I bit my lip, feeling stupid. She's your sister, stupid. She wouldn't hate you. "Well, um. I just thought you did cause ya know.." I mumbled.

"You thought I hated you because I kissed Kendall?" she asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "Honey, I didn't mean to hurt you. I did it because..," she sighed. "It's a long story."

I reached for my phone and turned it on to check the time. It read "1:52." I was nowhere near tired or drunk. "We've got all night Kim." She sighed in response and ran her hand through her blonde locks. I had so many questions that I wanted her to answer, but I was afraid of what she would say. What if it was some horrible secret that would crush me if I found out? Or what if it was nothing, and I was letting hormones and my emotions control me. I mean I usually wasn't the type who would make a rash decision just because I saw someone kiss a guy I liked, especially if that guy wasn't my boyfriend. What made it different this time?

"It started a couple weeks ago," Kim began. "I got home and there was a note hidden in my bag saying 'Watch your back.' And it creeped the shit out of me. But I didn't do anything cause I just thought it was a joke or something. Like what were the chances that there were two stalkers stalking us? But throughout the week, I kept getting hidden notes that I would find in random places saying some really shady and creepy crap. But then after that week, all of it stopped. So obviously, I forgot about it and resumed my life. Well I was wrong. A day after mom and dad visited, Brooke cornered me in the hallway."

I interrupted,"Wait. Brooke? Brooke Angels?" Kim nodded. She continued her story. "Yep, sweet Brooke Angels. She cornered me in some dark, shady hallway and told me in a hushed voice 'I know you love your sister and brother. And I know your sister has a crush on Kendall. Well you see, that's a problem. Because Kendall belongs to me.'

"And I'm thinking in my head, she must be crazy. Like this girl has never had any contact with me or any of us or any of the guys, so she can't just be claiming one of them. So I laugh at her, thinking that she's joking or acting out something for an audition or something. But then she gets really close to me and says 'You won't find it very funny when James gets arrested again. You see, I'm famous and paparazzi swarms me. And if I tell paparazzi that beloved heartthrob James Diamond, harassed me, there will be banners and news article and magazine papers all saying that James is a pervert. You don't want that do you? Good. So follow whatever I say.'

"She told me to kiss Kendall the next day and make sure that you would see. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to hurt you, but I also didn't want Brooke to ruin James' life. And it wasn't just James' life she threatened to ruin. I couldn't take that risk. I'm sorry Vanessa."


A/N: Very unedited. Very late. Very bad writing. I'm sorry. I'm still hoping that you guys haven't given up on me, but it's okay if you have cause I know that I haven't updated in a long time and I always say I will but never do and blegh I'm a bad person. Anyway, I'm sorry about the writing, it's been a while and I'm also not satisfied with this whole book because I began writing it a while ago and I was such a terrible writer. And probably am now. I'm sorry. Um, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far though? I don't know. I'm sorry. It'll be better soon I promise.

Anyway, I want to be less one sided with you guys and be more interactive with. I was thinking of creating a page on facebook that would update you about my works and future ideas or an instagram page (either my personal page that's already out there or create a new one) where I'll post some pictures of me, what I'm doing, pictures of me typing on my computer while updating, etc. Idk which to do, but I am giving out my snapchat for anyone who wants some ugly selfies from me and be my friend lol it's: lj.rose

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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