Chapter 3

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                                                                 {Vote if you love this story so far and if you love me.<3}

             Vanessa's Point Of View

                   " You don't know how I feel, Demetria! I wait day after day hoping that you would feel the same way I do. And it breaks my heart to see you with someone who isn't me. It also hurts me to see you crying when that guy who you thought was perfect breaks your heart and treats you so badly when I am here and can treat you so much better!" James yelled.

           James was helping me practice my lines for my audition. He was a big help. We were both great actors that the scene felt more real. We were both reading off the lines and Camille was watching our scene play through to give me tips on how to make the scene feel more real. 

        "Lucas, I'm so sorry I did that to you. I didn't know and I-" 

         "And when I see that they hurt you I feel like kicking their a$$es for hurting you and making you cry." James said.

       "Lucas! Shut up and let me speak! I......I love you Lucas," I said reading from my script.

     "What?! You love me?" James said.

    "Yes Lucas."

      "I love you too."

            I read the next line and we were supposed to kiss. We both got up and walked toward each other until our faces were inches apart. I closed my eyes and we kissed. I didn't feel anything between James and I. I have acted in may roles where I had to kiss someone so I didn't get overwhelmed just because he kissed me. We're both acting so it doesn't matter. 

        We both pulled away after a few seconds.

         "Ah! That was awesome James!" I yelled at him, "You're a great actor."

     "Thanks! So are you! You're definitely going to get that role. Right Camille?" James said.

      "Yeah both of you were great! James why don't you audition for Lucas' role. Then if you both get the parts you'll act together and it will look more real and you'll be comfortable acting with each other," Camille said.

        James agreed on auditioning for the role. I checked my watch and it read 1:30 pm. If James and I were going to audition we better go now or we'll be late. We said goodbye to Camille and left the Palm Woods.


         After we sat in the waiting room for about 30 minutes a tall women with light brown hair came out of the room and called another pair of couples to enter the room to audition. 

            "James Maslow and Vanessa Tanner?" She said lookin' around the room.

      James and I stood up and walked inside the room.


        "You two were perfect! We'll call you in a couple of days to tell you if you got the roles or not.Okay? Alright. Goodbye!" Stacy the producer said.

         James and I walked out of the building. We sat inside the car and then started partying to Windows Down. We rolled out windows down and drove home.


       I ran to the light brown oak door of apartment 2J. James took out his key and opened the door. I ran inside and tackled the closest person to me which was Kendall. I was comfortable tackling him so I did.

Somebody to Love (Big Time Rush love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ