chapter 8

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A/N Okay so that last chapter, Vanessa was not suppose to get out of the hospital. Whoops. I forgot that she wasn't suppose to until now. So I will change it up a bit but don't worry, she's not in the hospital again. I just had to change what I was planning before, a bit. So on to the story!! 

I was awaken by the sound of knocking on the door. I got out of my bed, first looking in the mirror if I looked okay, and then went to get the door. Kendall was leaning against the door frame with a bunch of flowers in his hand. "Good morning." 

"Good morning dork. What are you doing here?" I joked. 

"Well did you forget? Uh oh. That's not good. Today I am taking you on a date, silly," he said. 

I smiled and let him enter the room. "Ken, it's way to early for a date. Plus I look awful right now. Come back later and we'll go." 

"Okay well can I make you breakfast?" he asked.

"If you make some for Kim and Ethan too." He nodded and thought about it for a sec and then continued to walk to the small kitchen in our apartment. 

Once he was done, I could smell the aroma of pancakes, bacon, and cinnamon rolls. I smiled and gave him a hug. While he was cooking, I had changed into some denim shorts, a white tank top, and some flats with my grey beanie. Now I looked better. And the food smells delicious. "Mmm." I moaned at the aroma. 

Kendall set a plate in front of me and we exchanged smiles. He sat across from me on the island and I stared at him. I took a bite of the food and moaned when it first touched my taste buds. Kendall laughed and stole a piece of bacon. "Hey! I was gonna eat that," I whined. 

"Well you can't eat it if it's half way into my digestive system!" he joked. I rolled my eyes and he gave me a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you at 1:00pm. Wear something nice but still comfortable since we'll be moving a lot." I nodded and he left. 

Once the door shut closed, I let my laugh out. I took that last sentence so wrong. Oh my god. I can't believe he didn't even notice that. Is he trying to kill me with sexiness? That freaking tease. 

I glanced at the digital clock on the counter. It was 10 am. I still had about 3 hours left. On my way to the bathroom, I grabbed my towel. I turned the hot water on and the cold water on and waited for it to get warm. While it was getting warm, I stripped off my clothing and hopped into the shower. Time to get all fresh and clean!! 

As I was in the shower I thought about many things. Like where Kendall was going to take me, if the boys actually listened to our conversation yesterday in the elevator. What Logan said to me kept ringing in my head. You act so much like Kendall. That might mean something...Was it true that I act a lot like Kendall? Was it obvious that I like Kendall? And what if Kendall doesn't like me? That's silly because he asked me on a date. But maybe he did it just to make me feel better and feel how it would be if I could date him and then he would lead me on and tell me he doesn't like me! 

Oh my God. No, no I'm just over-thinking things. Logan has to stop messing with my head!! But what if it was true? "Vanessa, hurry up! I gotta pee!" Ethan called from the other side of the door. I laughed and turned the shower off and reached for my towel, then unlocked the door. "Thank you!" Ethan exclaimed before he ran inside and slammed the door in my face.

I rolled my eyes, which has become a habit to me, and trotted of to my bedroom, to change. 

The clock stroke 12:30 and I was already ready. I wore jeans and a loose white tank top with my black flats. I wore my silver, necklace that had a heart and a cross charm on it and my bangles on my wrist. 

I walked out of the apartment and to 2J which conveniently was right next door. I knocked about 2 times until Carlos opened the door, smiling when he saw me. "Well hello there lucky girl. How's everything? Anything hurts? Are you dizzy? Anything?" Carlos said.

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Naw Carlos. I'm okay. Where's Kendall?" 

"He's still in the shower. He spent like 2 hours just picking out an outfit and then finally hopped into the shower." I laughed. "So do you know where he's taking you?" 

I shook my head no. "Nope. Not one clue. He just told me to wear something comfortable since he said we were going to be moving a lot," I said. Carlos burst out laughing and fell upon me. 

"I'm sorry. It's just that took that SO wrong," he said once he was done laughing. 

"I know. When I first said that I started laughing," I said. I heard the shower stop and the door open. Out came a shirtless Kendall, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. He jumped and screamed a bit when he saw me and waved. Then he ran over to his and Logan's bedroom. I laughed and had the urge to sneak into his bedroom to see him one more time. But of course I couldn't do that. 

As Kendall dressed, Carlos and I played COD. Our team was winning by 100 points and Carlos and I were still killing, trying to keep first place until we ran out of time. In the end our team won and we high fived as if we both worked hard to stay in first place. Pfft. I did all the work, Carlos. "Alright let's go!" Kendall called. I stood up and gave a big hug to Carlos before I walked towards Kendall. He stuck out his elbow and our arms linked together. 

Once we walked to the lobby, Kendall blind folded me and led me to our location. After a few minutes of walking, he stopped and took of the blind fold. We were in the park and there was a spot under the tree where there was a picnic blanket that was spread out and a picnic basket on it. I smiled and we both sat down. 

Today was a beautiful day and an even perfect day to have a picnic. I watched Kendall as he took out 2 sandwitches, pasta salad, watermelons, a batch of cupcakes, and two water bottles. My smile grew and Kendall laughed. 

I took a bite of my sandwich and then tried to concur the watermelons. Then some of the pasta salad. Last was the cupcakes. They were normal sized chocolate cupcakes with vanilla icing and a chocolate covered strawberry on the top. I took a bite of the strawberry first and smiled as some of the chocolate dripped. "So what do you want to talk about?" Kendall asked.

"Um I have no idea. Uh how about our most embarassing moments?" I asked. He nodded.

"Oh I got one. Um we were preforming one day at a concert and the crowd was saying 'EYZ' which examine your zipper and I was like 'What?' and one of the fans from the front told me and I zipped it up in front of the crowd. It was so embarrassing!" He said. I laughed and he joined me. "Alright, your turn. What's your most embarrassing moment Vanessa?" 

"Uh hmm. Oh i know. So I was talking to my friends during school and I was chewing a really small piece of gum. And while I was talking, the gum fell out and I was like 'uh oh," I said. Kendall threw his head back and started laughing along with me. 

When the sun started setting, Kendall and packed up all the food and stuff and walked back to the  apartments. Kendall walked me to my apartment. "I had a really great time with you Kendall," I said. Kendall smiled.

"I had a great time with you too, Vanessa." Then he gave me a peck on the cheek. I put my key in and walked inside. Kendall waved me another goodbye and when I closed the door, he left. I put my back on it and let my body slump down to the floor.

"Best day of my life." 

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