chapter 19

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Chapter 19

        "I'm bored, tired, my brother's missing, some random guy might come out to kill me at a random time, and I'm talking to a glass of Sunny D. What has my life come to?" 

My fingers latch around the silver fork and I take a big chunk of my chocolate chip pancakes. A moan escapes my lips but it doesn't take me out of my thoughts. Okay so Ethan's still missing and there's some random guy keeping him. I'm surprised that mom and dad haven't called or checked up on us. And summer's almost over. Yeah what a great summer. Note my sarcasm. Well it wasn't that bad of a summer. 

I did get to meet Big Time Rush and stuff. Yes but Vanessa you've been beat up in an ally, had 2 near death experience, been unconscious for almost a week and you still haven't gotten yourself a boyfriend. Great. Just great. 

I sigh and poke at my pancakes. The familiar sound of a door shutting and heels click clacking on the wooden floor makes my head turn to look at Mrs. Knight and Katie following behind her. I wave. Momma Knight goes to the stove and starts to make more pancakes as Katie sits next to me on another stool. 

Before I know it, I finished my last piece of pancakes. I opened my mouth to ask for more, but before I could even say anything, Momma Knight already put 4 more pancakes on my plate. Two plain and 2 chocolate chip. 

Another door shut and I saw my sister sit next to me. "Morning," she said.


"BUT IT'S SO BIG!" Carlos pleaded. My head, along with Kim's, whipped to look at Logan and Carlos entering the room from one direction and Kendall sliding down the swirly slide. 

"That's what she's said," both Kim and I said as we snapped our fingers. Katie giggled while  Kendall held back a chuckle. 

Logan looked at Carlos as Carlos started to register in his mind what he just said. "It's not what it looks like!" they both said.

I rolled my eyes. "Suuuuure." I took a chunk of my pancakes. "So what was so big?" I asked with a smirk.  

"Oooooh. I bet it was Logan's big-"

"POTATO!" Logan and Carlos yelled. Kim and I giggled while a smirk appeared on Kendall's face. 

Carlos hid his face in his hands. "Ugh not again."

I laughed, knowing what they were talking about. Our last breakfast was pretty funny and perverted. But I bet it was complete torture to them. "Hey Carlos are you limping?" Kim asked. 

I choked on my pancakes. Logan shook his head, silently saying to me 'how can you live with her?.'

I laughed and Kim's phone started to ring.  

 "Hello? Yes this is Kim Tanner. Really?! Is he okay?! Okay we'll be right over," Kim said into the phone. I raised an eyebrow. She sighed. 

"Who was that and what happened?!" I asked her in a rush as she grabbed her car keys and slipped on her shoes. 

"That was the hospital. They just called to tell me that the detectives found Ethan and he's in the hospital. We got to go!" 

We all rushed to the 2 separate cars and drove to the hospital.

    The rain poured down, each drop landing on our windshield as we drove on the road. Kendall's car followed behind us, soaked in raindrops. The rain beat heavily on our car roof. The sound of the slick car wheels drifted into my ears. It was raining and hard. The car's light was read as we waited for the traffic light to turn green. 

 The hospital came into view. The traffic light turned green and we started to move again. Kim made a left turn and looked for a parking spot. She found two next to each other and close to the entrance. We parked and headed out. We had an umbrella to keep us dry and the guys put up their hoods just in case fans or any paparazzi wouldn't notice them. 

  The automatic doors slided open. We all walked to the front desk. "Hi we're looking for Ethan Tanner?" Kim said. 

The woman typed onto her keyboard and searched his name. She told us his room number and we all hurried up to his room. I sigh and chew on my bottom lip as I knock lightly on the door. "Come in," a voice says from the other side. 

Katie shakes beside my side and I hesitantly reach for the knob to open the door. I push it in and I see Ethan. He's on the hospital bed in the blue dress thing and hooked up to an IV. 

His eyes are shut, keeping us from seeing his beautiful brown eyes. His skin is very pale and there's no expression on his face. There are scratches and bruises everywhere on his body that we could see.

"H-how is he?" I ask the doctor.

He sighs and rubs his temples. "Well we managed to stable him and he's in a coma. We don't know how long he'll be in it or if he'll even survive. I'm sorry." I choke back a sob. "I'll leave you alone with him for a few minutes," the doctor says as he walks out of the room. 

Katie and Kim both burst into tears. Through all the noise, Ethan is still in his unconscious state. The heart monitor on his side gives me hope even though his heart beat is slow. A chaos breaks through behind me with my sister and Katie. I barely pay attention but all I do hear is crying, sobbing, and the heart monitor. 

Tears filled my eyes but I wouldn't dare let them fall. I blinked the tears away. We were ushered out of his room and we sat in the waiting room for a few minutes. I told the guys that I was going to the car and that's what I did.

The doors closed behind me and I walked straight to Kim's car. I closed the car door. When I knew I was all alone, I broke out into tears.

My little, baby brother was in a coma. 

When we got home, I rushed out of the car and marched to my destination. I knocked on the oak door and it opened. He smiled and let me in. My foot rose and I kicked him right in the family jewls. "What the hell was that for?!" he wheezed out.

"So you were jealous that I left you, that you hurt my baby brother?!" I say.

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh you know what I'm talking about Ash. You were mad that Kim and I broke up with you, so you hurt our little baby brother Ethan then fucking blame it on James! Asher Karl Johnson you are the biggest asshole I've ever met, and even dated! And you should burn in fucking hell!" 

He laughs and claps. "Oh Vanessa. It took you long enough to figure it out. You were right. I kidnapped your brother and blamed it on James. Then gave you threats. But it was pretty easy though. You never noticed me. And now that you know, I'll have to kill you."

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