chapter 4

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         Vanessa's Point Of View

                    4:45 am.....

            The next morning I woke up with the worst fuckin' headache of my life. I turned around and found Kendall looking up at me.

        "What the hell happened last night?" I yawned.

      "Well, we had a party and you got drunk," He said smiling.

    "I went crazy didn't I?" He nodded his head and I laughed.

  I'm crazy when I'm either on a sugar high or drunk. And sometimes just going crazy for nothing. :D  My head started hurting again and I had a feeling to throw up.

  I ran as fast as I can to the toilet and puked. I heard a knock on the door. 

     "You okay?" He said with a concerned look on his face. He came to me with a towel and a mint.

   "Thanks Kendall." I smiled. I wiped the rest of the puke that was on my face and threw 5 mints into my mouth. I walked back to his bed and rested my head on one of the pillows. "Ow! Kendall can you get me a wet towel or something to help my headache?" 

   He nodded his head and ran out of the room. I closed my eyes. Why did I f*cking get myself drunk?! Ugh! I can't believe this! I'm so stupid!! Now I have to pay my price. 

   Knock! Knock! "May I come in?" I looked up at the person.

   "Hey, James. Sure come in." I smiled at him and patted the vacant spot next to me.

  "How you doing?"  

"Well, I have the worst headache in history of headaches, I feel nauseous, and I just threw up. How do you think I feel?" I smiled and looked back at him.

"Aw, poor you. Can I ask you something?" He asked.

"Sure." I said.

"So can you give us a clue of who you do like?" James asked. I smiled at him.

Kendall's Point Of View <3....

  I came back to my room with the wet towel and some medicine for Vanessa. As I was at the barely open door I heard two voices talking to each other.

   ".....Can I ask you something?" A male voice asked. Of course I knew it was James who was talking.

 "Sure." I knew that, that one was Vanessa 'cause that's where i left her. I was very interested into what they were talking, so I just stayed by the door and listened to their conversation. Should I? No this isn't the right thing to do. What should I do? 

  "So can you give us a clue of who you do like?" James asked. Okay I wanted to hear this.

  "Um, sure I'll tell ya. Well, I do like you..." Vanessa said, but I didn't want to hear anymore. Of course she would like James. Who wouldn't? I bet James is the one who she likes. And here I am thinking she would like me. I'm so stupid! Ugh!

    I left the apartment a shut the door. It made a loud BANG noise which might have been too loud. 

Vanessa's Point Of View....

   ".....and Kendall" I finished my sentence. Then right after I said his name I heard a loud bang noise.

  "Did you hear that?" James jumped. I nodded. It must have been Kendall. Where could he have gone?

   I jumped out of the bed and ran out of the apartment before James could even say anything else. I walked up to the front desk hoping that Mr. Bitters could be nice for once and help.

  "Ugh, what do you want?" He bit another piece of his sub.

  "Where did Kendall go?" 

  "That's classified information that is between me and Kendall." He chewed another piece of his sub. I rolled my eyes and put a ten dollar bill on his desk. "He went that way." He pointed to the front doors and I ran.

    I stopped at a dark, stinky ally full of garbage cans. I swallowed hard and walked forward, toward the ally. It got darker and darker.

     "Hey give me all your money!" A man screamed at me. I screamed the most loudest scream I had ever screamed in all 21 years of my life. One man put his filthy hand on my mouth to make me shut up and the other one took my purse that I had brought with me.

     I kneed the guy's stomach and he took his filthy hand off of my mouth and tumbled back into the garbage cans. I tried fighting the other guy, but before I could make a single move he punched me right in the jar. I stumbled back to a brick wall and the robber laughed as I moaned in pain. Great. I already had a major headache and the punch to the jar is not helping!! 

       My vision blurred, but I could still see some things. The robber came closer to me with something in his hands. Is that a knife? I am so going to die. Please God, please help me!! I closed my eyes and prayed as I waited for the knife to come in contact with my skin and I would die. Oh my gosh. Please God I don't want to die!!

   I opened my eyes a bit. There was a male figure standing on one of the large green dumpster. "Hey, you! Stay away from her!!" someone said. The man jumped off of the dumpster and kicked the robber before he stabbed the knife into me. The guy and his partner quickly got up on his feet and ran away.

   The unkown man came closer to me. "Please don't hurt me!" I said defensless. He picked me up bridal style. "Don't worry I won't" He said. Then everyting went dark.


                                                Author's Note....

     Hello everybody!! Well this is gotta be my favorite chapter of all. I know it is short, but I got stuck. I tried my best okay!! *curls up into a ball in the corner* Don't hate me!!

   Okay so I have no idea when I am going to update this next because i am so stuck and I have a lot of stuff going on right now. So I really don't know the next time I am going to update this. Maybe in a few weeks. I just hope that I don't have to wait until August to get an idea and update so fingers crossed! :D Thanks to all of my fans. I have so many right now and some people might have more fans than me and i know I might not have a lot of fans but I do appreciate all of my fans. I LOVE ALL MY FANS!! I try my hardest to talk to you guys on Wattpad and i have actually became friends with most of my fans. I do read all your messages and I do reply to each and every one of them. 

   I just want to thank all of you gals& guys again. I wake up early in the morning and do all nighters for all of you just to finish the chapters just for all of you. You're the reason why I write these stories and try to make them amazing. I know I might not be the best writer but I do appreciate all the votes, comments, and fans. 



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