chapter 11

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Chapter 11

My door creaked open, reveling a dark shadowy figure. The man came closer and closer until i could feel his hot breath on my skin. My eyes opened to stare into cold, dark black eyes. He reached out to me and grabbed me by the neck. The man held so tightly I could barely breath.

I shouted and screamed and moved as much as I can to have someone help me. No one came. Where the hell is everyone? Then suddenly I saw another figure in the door frame. But a shorter figure. He stepped into the light. It was Ethan. His blood was dripping from his head. There were splatters of blood everywhere. "Why didn't you help me Vanessa? Because of you I died," He said.

I shook my head. "N-no E-Ethan we tried to help you. W-we didn't mean to have you die!"

He vigorously shook his head and glared at me. "No. It was your fault that I died. Now you have to pay!" he said before he put a knife into my heart.



"Vanessa wake up!" someone yelled. My eyes opened and tears streamed down my cheeks. I shook as Kendall and James' arms wrapped around me.

"Shh. It's okay. What happened?" Kendall whispered.

"E-Ethan t-tried t-to k-k-kill m-me!" I stuttered.

"Shh. It's okay. It was only a nightmare," James whispered. I didn't say anything back. I just nodded and continued to cry as Kendall played with my hair while James rubbed circles on my back.

After a few minutes I eventually calmed down and I pulled away. "Thanks guys," I said as I whipped away a tear.

"BREAKFAST!!" momma Knight announced a few minutes later. I smiled and raced the guys to the kitchen. I won and sat down on one of the stools. Ms. Knight had made pancakes for us and I happily ate it while the rest of the gang fought to get a plate of food.

I smiled at how childish they were acting. They were pushing and shoving and whining just to get a plate of food. It all died down once they all got a plate full of pancakes. They happily munched the delicious break fast.

The perfect morning was ruined when all four of the boys burped. "Ew!" Kim and I said at the same time. We all burst into laughter while Momma Knight just rolled her eyes and continued to eat her cereal.

"Hey Camille can you pass the Naked?" Logan asked. I almost chocked on my food when he said that. "I love getting Naked in the morning," he said once he sipped the drink. I started choking and Kim had to pat me on my back to keep me from dying.

"Hey guys why were you late for breakfast?" Camille asked, pointing the question to Logan and Carlos. Logan avoided the question and continued to eat his breakfast.

"Oh we were just playing a game. But we're done playing with each other for now," Carlos said. Logan choked a bit.

"Oh well you guys should take it easy," Momma Knight said.

"Yeah I know. I'm a bit tired. My fingers are kinda hurting from all the pressing, squeezing, and pushing...buttons." Logan spit all of the Naked juice onto the counter and Ms. Knight glared at him while Carlos just smirked.

I wonder what those- OH!! "Logan are you alright?" Camille asked.

Logan nodded. "Y-yeah. I-I'm f-fine," he stuttered then glared at Carlos.

"Don't worry Ms. Knight. It's just that Logan and i had this game and Logan is just mad because I'm one million times better at it than him. He keeps whining for me to stop," Carlos said as he shook his head.

Logan spit out his drink again and Ms. Knight cleaned it up once again while eyeing Logan carefully. "Honestly Carlos, you have to stop making Logan spit out his juice like that! It's not funny! And Logan you don't need to be so competitive. I'm sure if you practice enough you could finish Carlos off."

"O-oh I'll be ready for that day," Carlos said in between fits of laughter. I was trying to hold back a smile or a laugh.

"Hey why is Logan's pogo stick so hard?" Kim asked as she carried a pogo stick in her hands.

"Because Kim, if it wasn't hard it wouldn't have any protection for itself," Carlos answered.

James, Carlos, Kendall and I burst into laughter and rolled around on the floor. "Something's wrong with them," Camille said. Ms. Knight shook her head at us while she tscked.

"No it's nothing. It's just that Logan's pogo stick makes me happy," Carlos said, which did not help our laughter.

"Seriously why is it so hard?!" Kim asked. I can't breathe. I can't breathe!! Stop doing this to us!

"That's what she said," I said. Kim's head whipped to look at me and she gave me a confused expression. Logan was completely red and all three of us were dying of laughter. Oh my God.

After breakfast, everything was boring. Kim and I were just sitting around in the apartment, watching TV. James walked towards us and sat next to me. "Ready to go?" he asked.

I tilted my head to the side and looked at him. He just laughed. "Remember? Today I was going to take you out on a date," he said. Oh yeah. Now I feel stupid. I made an 'oh' noise and then got up.

"Let's go," I said, since I was already dressed and had my phone with me. I followed James as he walked to his car. He drove until we reached a movie theatre. I smiled. He walked out of the car and ran to the other side to open my door. "Thanks," I said. He just smiled and walked inside the theatre with me. We watched the movie, House At The End Of The Street. It was a horror movie and at time I got really scared and hid my eyes in James' shirt.

After the movie, James and I stayed in the car for a moment just in silence. "So where do you wanna go now?" he asked

"Um. Oh I know! Let me drive though," I said. James got out of the car and we switched positions. I drove for a few minutes, passing my house and drove up the hill from it. There were many trees and it was very dark. Once we reached the top of the hill, I parked the car.

It was a perfect view of the whole city. It was breath taking. Everything was dark but you could see the lights of the city. One perfect view. "Wow," James breathed out.

I nodded my head in agreement. "Yup. My mom use to take me up here when we needed to talk or I just needed some air when I was a kid."

"What happened?" James asked.

"Well mom got busier and she traveled a lot with dad. I bet she doesn't even remember this place. But I do. I still go here every time I want to be away from everyone," I said.

I don't know how long we stayed there but it got dark once we left. The sky was a black color and hard to see. James drove us home and we pretty much passed out from exhaustion once we got back to 2J.

It was a great day.

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