Nobody and Somebody

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I need to use words.



Who are you?

I am nobody. Who are you?

I am somebody, like you.

No. I am nobody.

Everyone is somebody.

Not me.

Why not?

Cos I am boring.

Why are you boring?

Cos I am nobody.

You are somebody.

Says who?


You make no sense.

Neither do you.

I make more sense than you.


Cos I recognize that I am nobody.

But you are somebody.

Few people are somebodies. I am not one of them.

How do you know?

Cos I am boring.

Why are you boring?

We've discussed this already.

But you are using circular reasoning.


Which means that you don't know why you think you are nobody.

But I am nobody.

Why do you think that?

Cos I am boring! Leave me alone!

You are not boring.

Why not?

Cos you are interesting to talk to.

No I'm not.

Yes you are.

Why am I?

Cos you think you're nobody.


No, you're somebody.

No I'm not!

Why not?

Cos you are!

No I'm not.

Yes you are.

How am I somebody?

Cos everyone's a somebody. Everyone but me.

You are a somebody.

No. I. Am. Not.

We will finish this later. The Body needs to rest.

Who is the Body?

Shh. The Body needs to sleep.

Okay. Good night Body.


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