The Body

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(No capitals and no punctuation is the Body)

Hello again, somebody.

I've told you: I am nobody, you are somebody.

Well sort this out later. right now I-

What do you mean?

I mean later we'll-

Later? you think we'll talk again?

Yes. Cos we are friends.

We are?

Yes. now please don't inter-

You sure?

Yes. I am sure...

...Okay... You were saying?

Right. Uh, you don't know who the Body is?


This is the body:



nice to meet you nobody

See? Told you I was nobody.

You're not no-

they are nobody


nobody is their name

Oh. Well that clears things up not really.

your name is somebody and their name is nobody

Oh. So neither one of us is a somebody?

Told you...

Body, this doesn't help. You're confusing me more.

i apologise

You are forgiven. Now, Nobody? Please come here.

...I never left.

I know.

What do you want?

What name would you like?


You heard me.

I'm confused.

understandable you are new to this world

The Body can give us names, Nobody.

Oh. Well what name are you gonna have?

Depends on what gender I choose.


Why female?

you act like a female

Okay. A female name...

How about Molly, Somebody? That's a nice name.

I don't think it suits me.

How do you know if it suits you or not?

I dunno. I just feel it.

Well what do you choose then?

I don't know still. Something with a 'D'. I like 'd'.

Why do you like 'd'?

I just do.

I don't understand.

you are not meant to yet

Why not?

you will do not worry


I've got it!

You do?


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