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Uh, you know Earth?

Yeah. I've been learning about it.

Have you decided if you're gonna go down or not?


...Yes you have or yes you're going to?



What's the matter with it?

Nothing. I was just thinking...

Thinking about what?

Well, why would you want to go down when we have up here?

I still don't follow.

I mean, up here we're invincible. We can do whatever we want, whenever we want and no one is here to contradict us. We don't have to worry about hunger or danger or responsibilies, nothing. Why would you give this up to go down and get a bunch of stuff we don't need?

...Wow. That's the most I've ever heard you say at once.


No, it's good! You're the writer, remember.

Oh, right. But still. What do you think?

You make some good points but aren't you curious what it would be like to be hungry or have responsibilies?

More afraid than curious.

Why are you afraid?

New things. Doesn't that scare you too?

I'm more curious than afraid.

...Then I can fill in your blanks, and you can fill in mine. Right?

I suppose it would work that way.

But then I remember that we can't come back if we don't like it.

That's why we need to decide now.

Wait, how old would we be if we went down?

That would be a question for the Body.

Would we remember any of this up here if we went?


But the Body freaks me out a little.


I dunno.

I'll call the Body.


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