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Got tagged by messageman

A- Age:
I'll be sixteen next month.

B- Biggest Fear:

C- Current Time:
11:20 AM

D- Drink You Last Had:
Orange juice <3 (no pulp)

E- Easiest Person To Talk To:
uh... Myself?

F- Favorite Song:
Currently "Here's a Health to the Company". It's a sea shanty.

G- Grossest Memory:
Having to eat peanut butter in an eating contest. Never do that. Ever.

H- Hometown:
Bethel, Alaska. Tiny. It sucks.

I- In Love With:
I'm not in love with anyone but I got crushes on a couple dudes from my church and one on Wattpad.

J- Jealous Of:
Anyone in a relationship v.v

K- Have You Ever Killed Someone:
not really

L- Longest Relationship:
Hum. I think it was something like eight or nine months?

M- Middle Name:
Elizabeth. I really like it.

N- Number Of Siblings:
Two younger. One brother, one sister.

O- One Wish:
That everyone had unlimited free wifi.

P- Person You Last Called:
Uhm. I facetimed my friend like two months ago...

Q- Question You're Always Asked:
Will you continue your How They Met Alice sequel?

R- Reason To Smile:
I'm alive and well and loved.

S- Song Last Sung:
The Mute by Radical Face.

T- Time You Woke Up:
Nine AM.

U- Underwear Color:

V- Vacation Destination:
I would LIKE for it to be London.

W- Worst Habit:
Laying around in my PJ's and stalling my shower.

X- X-rays You've Had:
Teeth, and my foot when I broke it.

Y- Your Favorite Food:
Oh dude don't pressure me like this. Pizza or ice cream I can't decide.

Z- Zodiac Sign:
Virgo I think.

I tag:

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