Who Knew? A Different Twilight Love Story

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I do not own any of the characters from Twilight or House Of Night. They are the property of their respective authors. The other characters I have created and the storyline is my own.



Claudia was just your average, ordinary teenager trying her best to survive high school with the help of her best friend Jessica. Unbeknownst to Claudia; the lives of her, her friends and a group of people she met along the way would soon be changed forever.

            Their senior year at Fairview High School would be the most terrifying year any of them had ever faced. And they are powerless to stop it.

            "What is with all this drama lately? Will it ever end?'' Jessica asked her best friend Claudia as the boy Jessica currently had a crush on walked past them.

            "Close your mouth, Jessica. You're too good for him. And he’s not even that good-looking." Claudia replied.

            "You're right.” Jessica smiled. “I am too good for him. Maybe I should starting spending some more time with Zach."

            “I don’t think so girl. You better keep your hands off Zach, he's my boyfriend." Claudia said, wagging her finger in Jessica's face teasingly.

            She and Jessica had been best friends since the third grade. The two were so close, they were practically sisters. Their other friends, Connor and Sophie, soon joined the girls at their usual lunch spot.

            "Oh great, here comes Amber." Conner sneered, shooting a nasty look at a girl as she walked toward them.

            Amber was a sophomore at Fairview and a former friend of the group. But through the events that transpired just days before, they were at war with each other.

            It was that time of year again—Prom.  Everyone in the group, Amber included, were still friends. Amber wanted nothing more than to go to Prom and talked about it constantly, much to the chagrin of the others; who weren’t big into the Prom scene. Though she was only a sophomore, that didn't seem to stop Amber from what she wanted.

            “Hey Connor, what’s up?” Amber asked.

            “What do you want Amber?” Connor replied. Although Amber was a part of their group, Connor always seemed to hate Amber with a passion. The others never really knew why Connor hated Amber so much.

            “You’re taking me to Prom.”

            “And why would I do that?” Connor replied.

            “You’re doing it, because I told you to.” Amber demanded.

            “Sorry, but I’m not going to Prom at all. I’m spending time with some friends from out of town.”

            Amber was not to be discouraged. The next day, she went to Jessica.

            “Jessica, I need to ask you a question. I really want to go to Prom, but I don’t have anyone to take me. Will you let me go with you?”

            Jessica was a person who couldn’t seem to say no to anyone. Claudia and the others never held it against her, because they had grown up together and knew that that was just who she was.

            “Sure.” Jessica replied.

            Later that day at lunch, Jessica told Connor and the others of what happened earlier. Connor told Jessica that it was a bad idea, seeing as how Amber was going around the school telling everyone that she herself was sick with some horrible disease. Connor was the only one who could get Amber off of Jessica's back.

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