What happened to Claudia?

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Here's the next chapter!


"Yes can I help you?" The desk clerk questioned.

            “We’re here looking for Claudia Johnston," said Jessica, "She's my stepsister."

            "Alright just one minute, let me check to see what room she's in."


            Connor pulled Jessica away from the desk.

            "You're not her stepsister, why did you say that?" Connor whispered.

            "I don’t know I panicked."

            Just then Zach's father, Paul walked in. He walked over to Jessica and the rest of her friends in the waiting area.

            "Jessica, have you seen Zach lately?" Paul asked her, his face filled with worry.

            "The last time I saw him, he was at our house with Claudia, when I came home last night." She replied.

            "Okay then, so where's Claudia?''

            "We're about to find out." Sophie answered.

            "You're in luck. She's ready to come home today, but just be careful, she's under a little medication." The clerk interrupted.

            "Ok thank you." Jessica said cheerily.

            Claudia walked out of the room to see everyone waiting for her, even Paul.

            "I missed you guys so much." Claudia said with tears in her eyes as everyone crowded around her.

            "I'm so glad you're okay! How was it?" Jessica asked as they led Claudia to the car.

            "It was horrible! Where's Zach? Didn't he come with you?" Claudia asked and looked at Jessica pleadingly.

            "He's not with us. No one has seen him since we went to jail." Jessica answered as she helped Claudia into the car.

            "Are you kidding me? We have to find him, Jessica...we have to!" Claudia screamed as she shook Jessica violently, "If we don't, something terrible is going to happen."

            "Calm down Claudia! We'll find Zach. Just calm down, you're all doped up on medication. You don't know what you're saying. Okay?" Jessica told Claudia and tried to calm her down, "Let's go get smoothies, my treat."

            Jessica drove away from the asylum, hoping she'd never have to go back there again. They drove to get smoothies in silence, no one willing to break it. Jessica bought them all a drink and dropped off Sophie and Connor off at Connor's house.

            "See you later guys...feel better Claudia." Connor said as he leaned in through the window.

            "Thanks Connor. See you at school tomorrow." Claudia replied and Jessica drove home.

            "Are you sure you're okay Claudia? You seem kind of out of it." Jessica asked as she looked over at her passenger. Claudia was asleep with her head leaning against the window.

            Claudia awoke in a daze, wondering where Zach was. Getting ready for school, she tried to remember what had happened the days before. She got into Jessica's car and left for school. Looking over at Zach's house, she saw that the white truck that would usually pick him up for school was not in his driveway.

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