A Journey Into Claudia's Past

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"What happened? Why is Claudia running off?" Edward asked as the boys walked into the house.

            "I told her she couldn't see Jacob after this. We have to go find her. I said and did some things I need to apologize for." Jessica replied with her head cast down.

            Emmett, Edward and Erik took off into the woods. Jacob, Jessica and Jasper climbed into Claudia's car and went to search for the missing Claudia.

            "Jessica, is there something you're not telling us?" Jasper asked.

            "Yeah, there is. When I told Claudia she wouldn't be able to see Jacob anymore, I knew it would hit a nerve. It was the same thing I said to her before her ex-boyfriend James was killed." Jessica began, "It was three years ago, our freshman year. Claudia was dating this sophomore boy, James.

            “They were practically joined at the hip, kind of like how she is with you, Jake. She was always with James; at lunch, after school, on the weekends. I finally got sick and tired of it when she wouldn't return any of my calls or texts. I came home one night when she had James over, and told her that she wasn't allowed to see James anymore, that they needed some time apart.

            “I made James leave and as he was walking home, he was struck by a car. We later found out it was Amber driving. James died practically in our driveway. I remember it like it was yesterday. I relive that one night every time I close my eyes. The revving of the engine, the sickening thud, the squeal of the tires as the car raced off. I can still hear Claudia's screams when she found James lying on the asphalt, bleeding and dying. To this very day I still blame myself for James' death. Claudia says that she knows it wasn't my fault, that I did everything I could to try to save him, but still. And now you know why she wants Amber dead...not because Amber took Zach away from her, but because she-"

            Jessica was interrupted by her cellphone going off.


            "We found Claudia." Edward stated. Jacob snatched the phone from Jessica and held it to his ear.

            "Where is she?" Jacob shouted into the phone.

            "Calm down Jacob. She's at the cemetery, about 10 minutes up the road."

            "I know where that is. Thank you Edward." Jacob said and hung up the phone.

            Jacob jumped from the car and took off toward the cemetery.

            "Jacob! Wait up!" Jessica called after him.


            Claudia sat beside James' grave, a single white rose in her hands.

            "Claudia?" Jacob pondered, making his way slowly to Claudia's side.

            Claudia watched him walk to her, her eyes cold and unforgiving. Jacob stood in front of her, the two silent. He dropped to his knees and pulled her into his arms. The others showed up and saw the couple hugging. Edward started to walk toward them, but Jessica held him back.

            "They need some time to talk things out between themselves." She told him.

            Jessica looked over at the couple and saw Claudia crying and kissing Jacob as he wrapped his arms around her. Jacob took Claudia by the hand and led her to the car. Claudia gave Jessica a glare as they walked past her. Jessica waited until they had shut the car doors and drove off, before breaking down in tears. Jasper wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. She accepted it gladly and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

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