Welcome The Pack

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in this installment, we welcome some new characters that haven't been in this story to this point. I do not own these new characters, they are owned by their author.


Claudia gasped as she took in the scene around her. The living room was completely trashed; bookshelves haphazardly toppled to the ground, potted plants smashed. But it was what lay in the center of the room that had shocked Claudia to the very depths of her soul. Jessica was straddling Jacob on the floor, the handle of a knife jutting from his chest.

            Edward didn't hesitate for a second. He walked swiftly to Jessica and knelt in front of her, staring her in the eyes.

            "She's under some kind of spell, most likely Amber's doing." Edward stated as he reached a hand out to touch Jessica's shoulder. She gasped as a jolt ran through her body at Edward's touch.

            "Edward? Where are the others? What did she do?!" Claudia managed to say.

            "They're gone, in the forest. I told them to run...before I was taken over." Jessica replied in a monotone. She rose from the floor, and without saying a word or sparing a glance, ran out the back door and into the forest.

            "Go." Claudia said, finally moving to stand before Edward. "Go...and find her. Find her before it is too late, before she finds the others. I'll stay here and tend to Jacob. But Edward, you need to hurry." Edward rose and sprinted into the night.

            Claudia sank to her knees beside Jacob, his blood soaking into her jeans.

            "Jacob, can you hear me? It's Claudia. I'm going to help you." She told him, her hand on his arm. He stirred and groaned, but nothing more. Claudia drew in a steadying breath, for she had very little clue as to what she was doing.

            "Okay," Claudia said aloud, "You can do this. You watch Gray's Anatomy all the time. I just have to stay calm...and not pass out."

            Claudia stood quickly, searching for something to staunch the bleeding.

            "Towels, I need lots of towels." She muttered aloud as she ran to the linen closet and grabbed an armful of towels. Claudia hurried back to Jacob's side, and set the towels next to her. Acting on pure instinct, Claudia took a pair of scissors from the coffee table and used them to cut Jacob's bloody shirt away.


            Edward moved silently through the forest, searching for any sign of Jessica. He came upon a small meadow on the edge of a creek. The moonlight shone upon a shape, huddled on the ground. The shape shuddered and a sob broke the silence.

            "Jessie?" Edward called cautiously.

            "Go away, before I hurt you too." Jessica cried, her voice muffled by the grass.

            Edward stepped forward, keeping his distance.

            "You can't hurt me, Jessie. I'm sorry if you think you can, but you can't. You're not strong enough." Edward chuckled as he proceeded toward her. Jessica sat up, tucking her legs underneath her.

            "But, I hurt Jacob. I hurt him real bad. Edward...I stabbed him." Jessica stared at the blood caked onto her hands.

            Edward sighed, and grabbed Jessica's hand.

            "It wasn't your fault. Why don't you tell me what happened?"

            Jessica sighed, her gaze falling on their joined hands. "I was sitting down in the living room, after you'd followed Claudia upstairs. All of a sudden, I stood up to go into the kitchen. I tried to stop, to turn around....but it was like I had no control over myself. Like I was a prisoner trapped in my own body. I watched helplessly as I grabbed a knife from the kitchen block. I managed to scream at the boys to run, that they needed to get into the woods. I heard Emmett hoist Jasper over his shoulder, and they took off. I thought we would be safe. But Jacob, stupid arrogant Jacob, he wouldn't run. Even as I knocked him to the ground, and held the knife above him, he was still trying to talk to me. He kept saying 'You can fight this Jessie, I know you can. This isn't you, fight it!' He wasn't scared, not even a little. And then, I just could not take it anymore. I plunged the knife into his chest, and watched the blood cover my hands. Oh God, what have I done!"

            Edward stood and helped Jessica to her feet. Jessica looked around her, and saw rustling in the trees. Emmett, Jasper and Erik emerged, walking toward the pair. Jessica broke down in sobs when she saw the look of caution on Jasper's face.

            "Jasper, I'm so sorry. Don't be scared guys, I won't hurt you. It....Amber did this, I just know she did." Jessica said. Jasper slowly made his way to her, leaning on Emmett for support. Jasper continued to grow weaker and weaker before Jessica's eyes, and she knew grimly that his time was quickly running out.

            "Edward, will you go back to the house and check on Jacob? If he can walk, bring him and Claudia here. Please?" Jessica whispered in his ear. Edward smiled and leaned in to place a kiss on Jessica's cheek.

            "Sure thing Jessica love. Be back in a few." Edward turned and loped into the forest, back in the direction of the house.

            Jessica stared at the ground in front of her.

            "Jessie? Are you sure you're okay?" Jasper said, his feet coming into view.

            "Yeah, I think so." Jessica continued staring at the ground, trying to keep her composure.

            The group fell into silence. Jessica waited nervously for Edward to return.

            "Are you doing okay Jasper?" Emmett asked quietly, his feet shuffling next to Jasper's in Jessica's view.

            "No, I-I'm not." Jasper fell to the ground like a leaf. Jessica caught him as he collapsed, and she sank to her knees in the soft grass.

            "Jasper, can you hear me? Come on Jasper." Jessica voiced, her eyes searching his face. His eyelids fluttered, but never opened.

            "Jess..." Emmett began, kneeling beside her. He placed a strong but gentle hand on her shoulder.

            "No, don't say it. Don't say it! He's fine...he has to be." Jessica argued. She laid him gently on the ground, the moon shining down on them and giving the meadow a serene light. Jessica brushed the hair from Jasper's face and briefly held his face in her hands. She pulled back, her head dropping in sorrow. Tears shimmered on her cheeks before falling and landing in the dew sprinkled grass before her.

            "Wake up. Jasper please; not yet, you can’t die yet." Jessica cried. She rose on her knees and leaned over him, knowing that she might be his only chance. Jessica began CPR while the two vampires stood over her.

            Back at the house, Claudia was having problems of her own.


What is going to happen next?

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