A Death

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So sorry that last chapter was so short, I had no idea it ended up only being two pages. again, i introduce some more characters, and I do not own them. Their author owns them :)


            Claudia sat back on her heels, wiping the blood from her hands onto her jeans. "What should I do now?" Claudia thought. Jacob's quick healing had mended the wounds Jessica had inflicted. But with very little time to pull the knife out, his body simply healed itself around it and the only thing visible was the knife handle sticking out. Now, Claudia was faced with a difficult task. She had to pull the knife from Jacob's chest, opening up the wounds that had already healed, in order for his body to finish the job.

            Claudia gripped the knife's handle in both hands. Taking a deep breath, she pulled it straight into the air. Jacob's body jerked, his face contorting in pain. Panting, Claudia set the knife on the ground beside her.

            Edward slid the glass door open and stepped inside. "How is Jacob doing?" He asked, leaning against the doorway.

            Claudia looked up and smiled. "He'll live. I got the knife out, so his body can heal now. Where's Jessica? Is she okay?"

            Edward pushed off from the doorway and sauntered over to Claudia. He sighed, "She's not doing so well. Hurting Jacob took a lot out of her. I think it was more that she hurt you, than anything else. She wanted me to come back and check on you two, and bring you out if Jacob was healed enough."

            Claudia rose to her feet. “Just help me get him up." She and Edward each grabbed an arm and hoisted Jacob to his feet.

            Jacob groaned and opened his eyes. "Ugh, what happened? I feel like I've been hit by a truck."

            "Umm, Jessica stabbed you. But you're okay now. She wants to talk to us." Claudia replied, releasing Jacob's arm.

            "Whoa, she really did that? Didn't think she could have it in her. Is she alright?"

            "She's....in one piece. We think it was Amber's doing. Jessica remembers everything, though it's obvious she doesn't want to remember any of it. She's asking for you and Claudia." Edward remarked, motioning to the door. He let Claudia and Jacob ahead of him, and shut the glass door. Claudia fell into step beside Edward, supporting Jacob between them.

            Jessica's sobs echoed through the air long before the trio reached the meadow. Edward took off running, leaving Claudia and Jacob behind.

            "Come on Jacob, we've got to hurry. Something's wrong." Claudia encouraged, pulling Jacob by the arm. The two of them set off toward the sound of sobs.


            Edward cleared the forest's edge, and stopped dead in his tracks. Emmett and Erik stood with their backs to Edward. From his point of view, Jessica and Jasper were hidden, and the only evidence that Jessica was even there were the heart-wrenching sobs coming from her. The boys parted when Edward stepped into the meadow. He stared in horror at the scene laid out before him.

            "No." Edward gasped, finally able to see everything. Jessica knelt in the wet grass beside a still figure in the grass...Jasper. She was frantically pumping his chest, trying to revive him. Anger rose from deep within Edward as he strode into the meadow.

            "No! No, it can't be! No, Jasper!" Edward bellowed in grief. He fell to his knees beside his brother and pushed Jessica away. She stayed where she’d fallen, tears running freely down her cheeks. Edward continued where Jessica left off, his throat blocked with the tears he was unable to shed.

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