The Final Battle Approaches

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Yup, the title says it all! Enjoy!


Claudia watched as Jessica left the room. She turned to face the others, her expression somber. Claudia took Edward in an embrace, trying to keep herself from crumbling into tears.

            "I feel like such an ass." Jacob muttered, eyes cast down in disgrace.

            "It's not your fault Jacob. You didn't know. None of us really knew." Claudia told him, reaching back to grab Jacob's hand.

            Edward wrapped his arms tightly around Claudia, burying his face in her hair.

            "You are the best friend Jessica could ever have. You are the best thing to have happened in Jessie's life. Thank you so much for everything Claudia." Edward murmured.

            "I'm going upstairs to apologize to Jessica." Jacob announced. He walked upstairs, and once he was out of sight, Edward stepped away from Claudia. She looked up at him with a look of confusion.

            "Is something wrong Edward?" Claudia asked.

            "No, everything's fine. I-I just need to take a walk. I will be back in a few minutes." Edward replied, leaning down to kiss Claudia gently on the top of the head. Seth and Quil looked at Claudia, who shrugged her shoulders.

            “I don’t know.” She mouthed.

            Edward moved to the sliding glass door, or what was left of it. Glass still littered the floor from Seth and Quil's arrival. He stepped over the glass, and took a deep breath of fresh air. He took off, a blur through the trees, jumping over fallen logs like an Olympic runner.

            Reaching the clearing, Edward slowed to a walk. He stopped, his feet just clearing the edge of the forest. He couldn't move any closer. Closing his eyes, Edward continued into the clearing. When he reached the small stone in the center, he stopped again. He stared down at the stone, reading the words carved into its smooth surface.

            Jasper Whitlock Cullen. Son, Brother, Friend, Lover. Called from Earth to reside with the angels. 1908-2010. Always loved; Never forgotten.

            "I miss you, bro. I wish I could have saved you. If only I had been there. If only I had protected you like I promised Alice I would. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I let you down." Edward voiced, dropping to his knees in the grass.

            "You didn't let him down, Edward. You did everything you could to save Jasper, and you know that." Claudia remarked, entering from the trees. She crossed the grass swiftly, and sat beside Edward.

            Claudia placed a comforting hand on his leg, her other hand brushing away the hair that had fallen across Edward's forehead. Edward turned his body to face Claudia, his amber eyes shining in the moonlight. In an instant Edward had Claudia in his arms, clutched tightly to his chest. His normally contained composure shattered, and he let all of his emotions come rushing out like a river through a broken sieve.

            "I-I just can't believe he's actually gone. I keep expecting him to come through the door like nothing ever happened. But Jasper is gone and he will never come back! I'm a murderer, Claudia. All of this is my fault! It hurts so much. It hurts to watch the sun rise and set knowing that Alice is doing the same thing alone. My stupidity has ruined the rest of my sister's life." Edward screamed, his voice speaking volumes of agony.

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