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Just realized how wierdly the last chapter ended. Missed a sentence during the copy and pasting process from my computer.


She released Jessica and took Claudia in a similar embrace. Tears welled up in Claudia's eyes at the gesture.

            "And it was an honor to meet you Claudia. You have a lovely voice, and we couldn't have asked for anyone better to sing tonight. I want you to know, if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call. You're a part of the family now." Esme murmured.

            "Thank you Esme. I love you all. When all of these problems with Amber are resolved, Jessica and I will come out for a visit. I promise." Claudia replied.

            "Yeah, we are way overdue for a visit. It'll be nice to just get away from the aftermath for a while. Edward will call you and let you know when we're coming down. Love you guys." Jessica stated, wrapping her arms around Rosalie. "And let us know if Alice returns."

            "We will. I know this was hard on you Jessie." Rose remarked. After hugs were exchanged, Esme, Carlisle and Rosalie left to return to their home.

            "Go back to the house with Claudia, Jacob and Erik. Emmett and I have some things to do." Edward said, giving Jessica a kiss on the top of her head. She smiled and nodded.

            "Okay, don't be out here all night." Jessica replied. She followed Claudia and the boys back to the house, silent.

            Claudia closed the back door behind her and fell onto the couch, Jacob sitting down beside her.

            "I'm going to bed. Wake me when...I'm going to bed." Jessica mumbled, dragging herself up the stairs.

            "Goodnight Jessica! We'll wake you in the morning." Claudia replied, throwing a smile her way.

            Jessica smiled back at Claudia and finished up the stairs. She closed her bedroom door softly behind her and walked over to the window.

            "What a day." Jessica thought as she opened the window, letting in the breeze. The sky was lightening, the sun just beginning to rise on the horizon.

            "I can't wait until all of this is over. I just want things to go back to normal." Jessica whispered, resting her head against the windowpane.

            "Then why don't we end this now?" A voice said behind her.

            Jessica whirled and came face to face with Amber. The air around them hummed with tension.

            "Get out." Jessica muttered through clenched teeth. She was keeping a thin rein on her anger. "Get out of my house. Leave, and never show your face in this town again."

            Amber was blocking the door, Jessica's only possible escape was the window. But it was a two story drop to the ground.

            "Or what Jessica?" Amber sneered. "What are you going to do Jessica?" She sauntered closer, closing the gap.

            Jessica held her ground, her fists clenched tightly.

            "I'm going to do this." Jessica pulled her fist back and let it fly. It connected with Amber's face, and Jessica used the opening to flee out the window.

            Taking a deep breath, Jessica stepped out from the ledge and plunged into nothingness. The air whooshed from her lungs, cutting off her scream. As the ground rushed up to meet her, Jessica shut her eyes tightly. Jessica could hear Amber's peals of maniacal laughter echoing all around her.

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