Coming to the End

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            “Of course they will Jessica!” Edward replied. They quickly crossed the street and made their way up the steps onto the porch. The door was slightly ajar, the lights all on.

            “Emmett is in the field already.” Edward stated.

            “Let’s go inside and change. Jacob and Erik we can get you some clothes upstairs.” Claudia remarked. She led the way for her, Jessica, Erik and Jacob up the stairs. Jessica veered off into her room with Erik on her heels and Jacob followed Claudia into hers.

            Claudia closed the door behind her. “Okay Jacob you can phase back now.” Jacob phased back into human. He towered over Claudia, his muscles glistening in the low light.

            “I’m so glad you’re okay Claudia. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you had been hurt. I love you Claudia.” Jacob murmured. He took Claudia into his arms and held her close.

            “I love you too Jacob.” Claudia said. “Let’s get you dressed. The sooner we get things done, the sooner we can leave this place.” Claudia moved to the dresser and pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. “Put this on Jacob.” Claudia moved to the closet and grabbed a long black hooded cape.

            “What is that for?” Jacob asked. He slid into the jeans and shrugged the t-shirt on.

            “It’s a ceremonial cape for funerals. It’s has been in my family for generations.” Claudia replied. She put it on and the two of them walked downstairs to meet up with the others. Erik wore black slacks with a black button up shirt. Jessica was dressed in a simple, knee length black dress.

            “You look beautiful Jess.” Claudia stated.

            “Thanks Claudia. I thought it would be the most appropriate thing. And these were the only shoes that weren’t heels. Sorry.” Jessica blushed as she looked down at her red and white converse.

            “It’s okay. I’m not wearing shoes at all. It is the custom during a funeral for a witch to be barefoot to be closer to the Earth. Thanks for dressing up Jessica.” Claudia said. “Where’s Edward?”

            “He’s already in the field. He said he wanted to spend time alone with Jasper before we began the ceremony.” Jessica remarked.

            “But isn’t Emmett there already?”

            “No, he came back to the house after putting the bodies in the field. He’s upstairs getting dressed in the guest room. Edward’s already changed and said just to meet him there.”

            “Okay. Seth and Quil aren’t back yet are they?” Claudia asked.

            “Yeah, they’re outside in the backyard. They said they’d rather stay as wolves for now. It’s more comfortable for them.” Jacob said. Emmett’s footsteps sounded on the stairs as he made his way down to join the others.

            “Wow, looking good Emmett. You clean up nice.” Claudia murmured with a chuckle.

            They walked out of what used to be the sliding glass door and Seth and Quil joined them. They all slowly proceeded into the woods, no one saying a word. Once they reached the field, Jessica ran to the center.

            “Edward? Where’s Edward? Edward where are you?” Jessica called into the early morning air.

            “Should we get started anyway? I don’t think Edward wants to be here for the burial.” Claudia said.

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