Amber's power

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Hope you all are enjoying Who Knew? so far.

Now it continues....

Edward shut the door and walked quietly down the stairs. He stopped in the doorway to the living room, and looked at his friends and family. Emmett stood motionless against a bookshelf, his back to Edward. Erik was in the kitchen, pacing. Jacob and Claudia had curled up on the couch in front of the TV, Jacob already fast asleep. Edward's eyes moved slowly toward Jasper last, who lay on his side on another couch. Edward didn't have to read his mind to know that he was suffering.

            "Hey Edward, are you doing alright?" Emmett asked, turning his head to look at his brother.

            "I've been better...I've been worse too. Jessica finally went to sleep, but I don't expect that to last very long."

            "She worries about Jasper. We all do. Have you thought of a plan to get Amber?"

            "Not yet. I need to wait to see how Jasper fares, then take it from there. If he lives, we confront her and make her give up Hunting forever. If he dies, she dies."

            "Sounds like a plan. Since Jessica's sleeping, I'd take the opportunity to go hunting, you need it. I'll watch over her for you, and let you know if she needs you. Go on."

            Edward gave Emmett a slap on the shoulder before heading out the back door and into the forest beyond.

            Stopping in the middle of a small clearing, Edward took in a deep breath of fresh air.

            "You can do this, Edward. We'll get through this. We have to. Do I want to kill Amber? Should I, even if Jasper lives? Yes, that's the only way to get justice for her assaulting Jasper like that. She reacted before thinking, a fatal mistake for a Hunter. Too bad...maybe she'll beg for her life, get on her hands and knees and beg for mercy. Ha." Edward thought to himself, suddenly not hungry.

            Edward trudged through the forest at a human pace, needing time to gather his thoughts.

            Laughter rang through the trees, Edward tensing. It wasn't anyone he recognized, not until a wave of hatred washed over him.


            She had somehow figured out where they were hiding out. Footsteps drew closer and closer, but Edward wasn't worried. He was excited. He now had his chance to get revenge on Amber without having to protect Jessica.

            "Come out; come out wherever you are, bitch!" Edward thought, his lips pulling back from his fangs in a half snarl, half smile.

            "You'll never catch me! Never, never, never! Come after me Edward! Chase after me all you want, it won't do you any good." Amber replied.

            Edward tensed again, crouching into a defensive attack stance.

            "And Edward, Did you forget something?" Amber asked.

            "What are you talking about?" Edward spat.

            "This would've been the perfect ambush for you, except that you forgot one major liability. Jessica is unprotected in her room. How easy it will be for me to climb in through her window and cut her throat. How easy to stab her in the heart. Better hurry Edward, I think I can hear her screaming." Amber stated and cut off the connection with Edward.

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