Chapter Twenty-Nine

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There was many reasons why we all want to leave. Separate. Forget all of this happened. For the reason being is that, the pain continues to come in full force. We thought this would be our way to become something better but it won't be, it brings us more pain than what we started with. I don't want to continue this way. Watching everyone in pain just for something like this. As much as they try to act like it doesn't faze them, it pains them. So much that it makes everything fall apart without them even realizing.

I may sound like a coward but it'll be best if I leave. Leave them with with the babies and make them forget the pain that they were once in. I'm not strong enough to help them. I'm weak. But the babies will be stronger. They will grow up to become individuals, the next generation.

I want to apologize with a bunch of empty words and promises. I won't be okay, I want to hold back the rain and just forget about everything. All the pain they had caused me I already forgave but I don't know if they will forgive me for leaving them. It's not that I'll die, but it's that I'm running away. From everyone and everything.

I'm only doing what I think is truly right.

This is for them, it pains me to even think of doing this.

But this was for the best and it'll save them a whole lot of pain in the future. They will have the kids to look after, there was nothing more or nothing less. I can't stay any longer. I will be leaving and there was no turning back. Not this time. There was no turning back.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Trying to think and think some more. But my thoughts were all mixed up. I couldn't help it but want to regret ever leaving them. It pains me more than the physical pain I feel now.

"You can't leave us Timothy."

"I might not make it out alive but I want you to move on. Live life and make sure that the babies don't get into too much trouble."

"Those babies are your babies too! Don't speak before you've actually seen the future! It may have been another nightmare Timothy. It may have been another one of your nightmares. This is not true okay, so just forget about it and stay-"

"Listen, this isn't possible. I already saw them, they're beautiful. I will die in peace and I trust you all enough to take good care of them. I love you with everything in me. But I want you to do me one favor.. Move on..-"

"We are not moving on Timothy. What are you saying? It sounds like you're leaving us. Breaking this bond before you even had a chance! You're not leaving and we will work things out. We vowed to stick through everything. Through marriage and we will, you will make it out, our babies will be perfectly healthy as you. Happily ever after! That's how it's suppose to be. Don't you dare try to change that."

"Collin calm down, I'm telling you this because I thought you'd be able to handle it. After months of being in pain, you don't have to worry anymore. I want you to know that I may not be here but you will and I want you to take care of them!"

"I-" Collin's machines began beeping loudly, Wilson came running in as he flatlined.

"He's going into labor early." Wilson called in some more of his helpers and they rushed in. Collin's eyes were closed and now they were trying to bring him back to life.

"What's going on!?" Iris yelled out while trying to get into the room, but they wouldn't let him.

"Connect the blood to his veins and make sure that it's pumping. You, keep him alive. Now that his heart is moving we need to keep it that way. At this point his wolf is taking away half his pain so right now his wolf can't help him. He's healing much more slower so we'll have to preform a c-section since the baby is being born three weeks early. We have to make sure his wolf isn't dying because that'll just drag them both down."

I was looking towards where Collin was. They put something over his mouth and nose to help him breath. His eyes kept opening and closing. "Collin." I screamed, tears falling from my eyes. This wasn't meant to happen. It's my fault for telling him. I wanted to get up-

"Sedate him, he's causing more stress on Collin." I was being held down by and a needle was being stabbed into my chest.


Third Person's Pov:

Everything was spinning around for all of them. There was fear in their hearts as they heard Collin keeping coming back to live. They worked hours upon hours to keep him alive. But nothing seemed to be working.

"We will perform a c-section now." Wilson ordered. "Close the door."

The door was closed I front of their faces.

Wilson grabbed a sharp utensil, had already drawn a line of where he would cut open.  "Keep the blood coming. This will have to be done quickly if we want both of them to survive. But right now the baby is our priority. If something should go wrong, save the baby."
Wilson cut, blood came out as he dug it deeper into Collin. Collin screamed at the pain from everything happening.

Collin felt a sharp kick to his stomach and his heart raced slower. "He's flat lining again. I told you to keep him alive!" Wilson growled. The helpers tried their best but their best was all they could give and it wasn't good enough. They will have to work harder. Wilson had managed to get to the baby and it was safe.

But Collin was not.

Collin saw the light, where he would live for eternity. Now that he had given birth it would be easier for him to let go and be free. But Wilson wasn't having that. Wilson had promised his mates that he will make sure they come out alive no matter what.

"Let's take a deep breath, now we have to stitch him back up. I will make sure the baby is survives." The baby cried and cried in his arms, Wilson held him close and went to wash the blood off.

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