Beyond Done

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Chapter Nineteen- Beyond Done

Maddie's POV

"Madison, I want you to go get your blades and bring them to me. Now." My mother ordered, in a tone that went without saying, if I disobeyed, I would be dead.

Frustrated, I stomped up to my room, searching the bathroom drawers for my cold metal blades, that felt so familiar in my hands.

At first I was frustrated and angry, but I quickly remembered how easy it was to get new blades.

I brought the blades downstairs, handing them to my mother, as I crossed my arms over my chest defiantly.

"Madison, you have to stop cutting. It's going to kill you. God, I thought you were normal. Do I need to admit you to a mental hospital?" My mom wondered aloud.

"Normal." I repeated under my breath.

"No, mom, I'm not fucking normal! Just as Abby said. Whatever happened to loving your daughter unconditionally? I hate you, mom! You are terrible at everything. Horrible!" I screamed, my mom shocked by my sudden outburst, as I ran up the stairs.

I was beyond done.

Author's Note: Vote!

Broken ( a Dancemoms or Dance Moms fan fic )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin