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Chapter Twenty-Two - Crying

Melissa's POV

My scream echoes throughout the house, as Mackenzie comes rushing up the stairs.

"What's wrong mom?" Mackenzie asks, breaking off into a cry as she notices Maddie's limp body.

She begins to cry uncontrollably, and I feel an urge to comfort her, but I'm frozen to the spot. Even if I tried to move, I couldn't.

Shock was overtaking my body.

"What's wrong?" My husband asks, emerging from his study, before he also see's Maddie.

"Mackenzie," He quavers, "Go get the phone."

Mackenzie does as told, as he embraces my stiff body into a hug.

Just as soon as he let's go, Mackenzie is back with the phone, as his shaky fingers are barely able to dial in the numbers 9-1-1.

He manages, as he chokes out the words, "My daughter c-committed suicide."

He breaks off, his shoulders heaving up and down from crying, before he finally recomposes himself, and informs the lady of our address.

Soon enough, policemen are swarming the room, checking for a pulse, performing CPR, when one man whispers, "She's alive."

Author's Note: Vote!

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