first day

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hey guys this is the first proper chapter so i hope you enjoy it  :) oh and if you watch vampire diaries andy has the same powers as they do :)


andys POV

i took my teeth away from the blood bag with a smile on my face.

i wasn't really hungry but if i was going to be around humans all day i was going to need the blood to fight the temptation to rip their throat's out.

suddenly a smell hit my nose (jut in case you didn't geuss i have super sences so i can smell see and hear better)

it smelt of blood blow pops and hair spray. it was jayy.

"hey jayy you ready for high school" i said smiling

"andy you ask me this every time we go to a new high school i am 692 years old and you know the answer is 'i dont give a shit about school i just need A positive" jayy said grabbing his favorite flavor of blood from the fridge.

my favorite was AB negative but the problem was it was the most rare kind. i was lucky if i got a bag of it every 5 years.

"well im excited" i said grinning at jayy as his eyes turned red when he sunk his fangs into the blood bag.

i waited for him to be finished when he said "of course your excited, every year you do the same thing. you piss off one of the school bullies and then when he try's to beat you up you use your vamp strength to kick his ass in front of everyone"

i grinned "they deserve it" i said simply before walking of to do my make up.on my way to my room i saw matt good. he was my boyfriend (yes I'm gay, problem?) 

"hey andy" he said wrapping his arms around my waist puling me in for a kiss. he wasn't the best kisser. he was to sloppy and he used WAY to much tongue but he was hot and he was nice so i ignored it.

i pulled away "matt i need to put my make up on" i said

"awwww ok but don't be long, okay?" he said pouting at me.

"ok matty" i said ruffling his hair before waling of to my room 

I always loved my room. it had a large black bed with mahogany draws next to it. but my favourite part of my room was my wallpaper. it was designed to look like a graveyard. it was pretty cool

i walked over to my mirror and applyed my usual make up. the stitch marks by my lips, the spikes around my eyes the stripes my my neck and to finish it of the crimson red lip-gloss.

once i was happy with my appearance i walked down stairs to see all the guys by the door 

"hey, jinxx, kellin, danny,jayy, jeffree "  grinned at them all

"FINALLY!" they all said at the same time

"calm down we can just compel them not give us detention if we are late" (if you don't know compulsion or compelling is like hypnotizing someone just by looking them in the eyes and telling them to do something)

"LETS GO BITCHES!" jeffree yelled using his vamp speed to run to school

"you heard him LETS GO!" i said before running through the forest to get to school.


i stopped in front of the school.

it looked just like any other high school.

i lifted up my face smelling the air for bullies. i couldn't tell if they were bullies from their smell but from my experience most bullies smell of sweat, linxx and beer, and sometimes tobacco.

speaking of tobacco i thought as i pulled out my cigarettes and my gun shaped lighter.

lighting one up before walking into the halls with the lit cigarette still in my mouth.

lets see what the teachers say about this :)


hey guys this chapter is longer that the last :)

if you enjoyed it please COMMENT!!

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