Malinda Purdy

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hey guys! this chapter is dedicated Adkicks because she made a comment on the last chapter that I really liked so, yeah. I hope you like this chapter





"do you know if witches are real?" Ashes asked

his father got a strange look on his face

"what is it?" Ashley asked confused 

"Ashley do you remember Malinda?"

A shocked look came over Ashley's face and I felt him tense up next to me "what about Malinda?" he hissed out through gritted teeth

"Ashes, who's Malinda?" I asked looking over at him

"my sister" 

Ashleys POV 

I remember Malinda so clearly (MALINDA AT SIDE) , I was 15 when she disappeared and she was 17


"Malindaaaaaaaaa!" I wined as I looked around for my sister, we were playing hid and seek (don't judge us)

"ASHLEY!" she yelled jumping out and tackling me in a hug causing me to stumble back slightly

I giggled "hey! I found you!" 

"kids! go to bed, you have school in the morning" our father yelled tiredly up the stairs

We both rolled our eyes and Malinda and I walked to my room.

I was about to get into bed when she grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a hug.

I was a little confused but I hugged back and when she pulled away she had tears in her eyes

"Malinda? whats wrong?" I asked taking her hands in an attempt to comfort her

"Ashley, just remember that your my brother and I will always love you, nothing will ever make that change, even if I'm not with you I will always be in your heart and I will always care, okay? I love you" she said a single tear rolling down her pale cheek

"of course sis, I love you too"  I said 

"goodnight Ashley, sweet dreams" She said softly before planting a kiss on my forehead and leaving the room.

-the next day-

I woke to my father shaking me "Ashley, wake up!" he growled

"what" I groaned, still tried

"do you know where Malinda is?"  he said

"in her bed" I groaned still not understanding why he woke me

"no Ashley, I can't find her" He said

this caused me to shoot up "have you checked all of the house?"  I asked

He nodded and I could tell he was worried, my dad may be an asshole of a person but he still cares for his kids as a dad.

I got up rubbing my eyes and I started walking through the house calling for her when I remembered how she was acting last night, she was crying.... did she run away? 


Ashley's POV still 

"what about Malinda" I asked 

"well a week after she ran away we found a note under her pillow " He said 

"well! what did it say!" I said getting impatient

He left the room and a couple of seconds later came back holding an envelope that he handed me.

I quickly opened it and pulled out the peace of paper, it said:

dear Ashley,
                       I'm so sorry about this, you must hate me but I had to go,you see I'm in a group called lucis angelos we're a witches coven, I met them a while ago and they introduced me to witch-craft, not the phony stuff, real magic.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you before but I was  sworn to secretsy by my coven.

if you ever need me call the number at the bottom of this note and I will always answer.

I love you.

                               - Malinda xxxx  

at the bottom was a phone number, I looked up at my father

"why didn't you show me this before! I could have talked to my sister!" I screamed

"I didn't want her to get you into the craft" He said simply

"fuck you dad" I hissed and I grabbed Andy's hand dragging him out of the room, I was going to finally have my sister back and hopefully (if it is a spell making andy not love me) my boyfriend too.


hey guys, this chapter is kinda boring sorry :/ but next chapter Ashley is gonna call his sister! whoo!

anyway remember to COMMENT and VOTE because it motivates me to write!

lots of



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