hurting..... :'(

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hey guys, I apparently made some of you cry with the last chapter, please don't cry! *hugs all of you*

anyway, try not to cry! 



Ashleys POV


I walked out of the room to see Andy was going to leave, I ran up to him and in a desperate attempt I wrapped my arms around his waist 

"you can't leave me Andy! I'll die without you!" I yelled tears spilling down my cheeks

"no Ashley you'll be fine" He said sadly

"no I won't! your my mate, if you leave me I will literally die of a broken heart! you can't go!" I sobbed remembering that if mates were separated they would slowly waste away.

"Ashes you'll be fine, you'll carry on living and you'll find your real mate , fall in love and adopt kids and all that stuff" he said looking down at me with pity

"But I wanna do all that stuff with you!, please don't leave me" I said my voice cracking at the end.

then, in hopes of getting him back, I leaned up and pressed my lips to his. he lingered for a second before pushing me away.

"I'm sorry outlaw" he said placing a feather light kiss on my fore-head before leaving me alone.......

PRESANT TIME, still ashley's POV

As soon as Andy left the room I fell to the floor crying.

it felt as if someone had ripped out my heart and dropped it in acid. it hurt so bad. then I don't know why but I started to scream Andy's name over and over.

I felt someones arms wrap around me but I threw them off. still screaming and scratching at my arms so hard that the started to bleed. and then everything went black.

-two hours later-

I woke up in Andy's bed (remember their in Andy's house) with my arms bandaged and stinging.

what the f- oh yeah.... Andy left me.

I felt tears spill down my cheeks and I whispered "andy, why why why why why Why WHY!" each time I said why it got louder until I was screaming out.

the door slammed open and Jayy came in wrapping me in a hug.

"shhhh shhhh calm down Ashley, I know it hurt, but we're gonna fix this" He said petting my hair.

I ripped myself out of his grip and screamed "DON'T YOU GET IT JAYY, WE CAN'T FIX THIS! HE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!" I looked down at my shoes and the tears started to fall more hevaly "he doesn't love me" I whispered

"yes he-" Jayy started

"GET OUT!" I yelled

"ashley I-" 


He left then, and I let out a scream.grabbing the nearest thing (in this case, it was a picture of andy) and throwing it against the wall watching the frame smash and the picture inside fall to the foor

I  screamed and picked up the picture. it was Andy grinning with a cigarette in his left hand. I let out another scream and ripped the  picture to bits. How dare he leave me! how dare he tell me he loves me and leave me for one of my friends! how dare he, HOW FUCKING DARE HE!

Stupid fucking Andy! why did this have to happen to me, I could of never met him! I could have met someone else and got married and had kids! but no, he had to come into my life and make me love him!.......... but the weird thing is, I'm glad I met him, if hurts so, so much but I love Andy and no matter what he says I know that he's my mate, my one true love.

I don't know what happened to Andy but I still love him, more that life itself.


Hey guys this was sad, poor ashley! I wish I could hug him! :'(

I hope you liked it!

Lots of love


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