raised by the wolfs

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hey guys i wrote this listening to raised by the wolfs by falling in reverse i f you want to listen to it is on the side :)

hope you enjoy the song and the chapter :)



when andy hugged me every thing seemed to make sence again  felt safe and whole again.

once we broke the hug i saw all my friends had left the room giving us some privacy.

"ashley i've missed you so much and i was so scared when you run off that i would never see you again and i t-"

i interupted his hysterical rambiling by kissing him on the lips andys body instantly relaxed in my arms and melted into the kiss.

this was most likely the best kiss i have ever had. it was as if our lips were made for each other. Also andy tasted delightful. it was a mixture of tobacco, weed whisky and peppermint. i know it sounds like a weird combination and usally i hate tobacco but on andys lips it tasted perfect.i felt like i could never gt enough of his lips.

thats when we heard a cough comignfrom the door way.

"sorry to interupt" CC said glaring at andy and andy glaring back

"what has both of your panties in a twist?" i said smirking at them both

"whats your name?" andy said to CC

CC just stared at him so i spoke up "his name is CC"

"well little one" andy said using his 'im-better-than-you-because-im-a-vampire' voice "i andy, and by you stink i'm guessing your also a werewolf"

"stink!" i said, slightly taking offence

andy turned to me and his gaze immediately softened

"no that's not what i meant ashes, all werewolf's smell a little bit of wet dog and little guy over here reeks of it but you, smell of linx deodorant, pine and bubble mint chewing gum" he said smiling down at me

"awwww thats so sweet andy" i said. this may sound weird but i feel honoured he knew my smell of by heart, it made me feel special.

"ashley make you boyfriend stop calling me little one" CC wined

i blushed at CC calling andy my boyfriend

"i will not stop calling you little one because you are shorter than me and younger than me" andy said matter-of-factually 

"how do you know your older than me?" CC challenged

andys eyes lit up with mischef "ok little one how old are you?" andy said amusment clear in his voice

"im 18 and your in ashleys year so you 17" CC said sounding proud of himself

"well little one, their is one thing you don't seem to know about me" andy said

"what?" CC said sounding less proud

"im 1632 years old" andy said

i felt shock go through me oh fuck. then everyting went black

andys POV

"im 1632 years old" i said

i heard a large thud behind me i turn to see ashley knocked out on the floor.

i run over to him and hold him in my arms.

i used my good hearing to listen for his pulse.

thud thud thud thud

it was still their he just fainted

thank god

wait..... did he faint because of.......me

oh god he knows i'm imortal i probably scared him shitless!

"is he ok?" i looked up to see CC looking worried 

"he's fine he just fainted, CC can you go get a clouth with cold water on it and bring it to me" i said

"sure andy"


after CC left i looked down at my beautiful outlaw.

i felt a tear drop fro my face and i started to sing a song i wrote a while back:

                                  I never meant to be the one

Who kept you from the dark
But now I know my wounds are sewn
Because of who you are
I will take this burden on
And become the holy one
But remember I am human
And I'm bound to sing this song

So hear my voice remind you not to bleed
I am here,
Saviour will be there
When you are feeling alone, oh
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

So here I write my lullaby
To all the lonely ones
Remember as you learn to try
To be the one you love
So I can take this pen
And teach you how to live
What is left unsaid
The greatest gift I give

So hear my voice remind you not to bleed
I am here,
Saviour will be there
When you are feeling alone, oh
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

Saviour will be there
When you are feeling alone, oh
A saviour for all that you do
So you live freely without their harm

When I hear your cries
Praying for life
I will be there

When I hear your cries
Praying for life
I will be there

I will fight!
I will always be there!

I will fight!

when i finished the song i saw a smile on the uncotious ashleys lips

"outlaw?" i said unsure if he was awake

"that song was beautiful bright eyes, did you write it?" he said

i smiled at the use of my nickname.

"i love you outlaw"

"i love you to bright eyes"


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