track you down

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hey guys, i decided to update because i FUCKING LOVE THIS STORY!!

andyway (see what i did their) on with the show....or book....or fanfic

enjoy :)


i reluctantly handded jayy a bit of ashleys shredded clothes.

we both took a long smell of ashleys clothes.

jayy wrinkled up his nose "why does your new boyfriend smell of wet dog?"

i rolled my eyes "he's a wolf dumb ass"

jayy gave me a punch in the arm before taking a large smell of the air. i did the same and started to walk towards the smell of ashley.


after a while of smelling me and jayy came into a clearing in the woods. in the clearing was a large house just like ours and it smelt strongly of wet dog.

"how had we not noticed this before?!" jayy said in surprise

"dunno but right now we need to go see ashley" i said deturmaind to see my outlaw.

we walked up to the door of the house and rang the door bell.

loud DING DONGS came from the house.

"coming!!" i heard an unfamiliar  voice call

the door opened to see a boy dressed like us but he seemed alot more happy and hyper than me and jayy.

"who are you?" he said his happy expression turning into suspicision.

"does ashley live here?" i said begging whoever was in the sky (not that i belived in god but ya know) that ashley would be their.

"yes he does who are you?" he said a bit more fourcefully this time

"im andy and this is my friend jayy we came to see ashley" i said trying to stay calm but really getting annoyed at the kid who was keepng me from my outlaw

"why?" he said 

"look kid, go get ashley  need to speak to him!" i said starting to get really pissed

"no!" he said

he tryed to slam the door but i held it open and stared him in the eyes "you will let me and my friend in and you will show us to where ashley is" i said in my compeling voice.

he nodded and walked in side with a blank expression. 

me and jayy followed the annoying boy to a room with 3 people surounding somthing.

once we got their the annoying boy broke from his trance and decided to yell at me.

"how the hell dd you make me do that!" he yelled looking very annoyed and confused

the boys out burst caused the other three boys to turn and look at me.

"who the hell are you!" one of the boys said he had a slightly cubby body and he was fairly short with bright green highligts in his black hair.

"im here to see ashley" i said simply

i heard a sniffle "andy?" said a small voice i could recognise anywhere

"ashley!" i said delight obious in my voice

i saw ashley come out from behind the 3 other boys.

with out hesitation i ran up to him and hugged him.

"ashley i was looking for you for ages, don't ever run off like that again, ok" i said never wanting to let him out of my arms

"i promice andy" ashley said

i had my outlaw back.


hey guys hope you like it, i was gonna make it longer but i have english home work and i dont want my teacher to have another go at me so bye :)

, love alice XOXOXOXOXO

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