meet the werewolves

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hello everyone!! sorry  havn't updated i a while but I wrote half of this chapter and it got deleted so I got pissed off and stopped -_- 

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MEET THE WEREWOLVES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Andy's POV

"GET OFF ME YOU ASSHOLES!!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs and thrashed trying to get away trying to save him but their were to many of them,

but them I felt someone inject me with something and everything turned Black....


It was lunch time at the school and Ashes and me had snuck away into the woods and he said he was taking me some where but he wouldn't tell me where.

"outlaw please tell me where we're going!!!" I wined for the 1000th time 

"nope!" He said happily

I thought for a moment trying to think of ways to get him to tell me.

I made my blue eyes turn red and my fangs come out.

"tell me or I will bite you!" I said

He giggled "please do! I enjoy it!" he said still giggling.

I sighed and allowed my eyes to turn their original color and my fangs to go back in.

"you know vampires are supposed to be scary, I think I'm lousing my edge" 

"nah you arn't I just don't find you scary cuz I know you love me to much to harm me" He said giving me a smug grin

"I guess your right, your just so adorable!" I said

He giggled at this and grabbed my hand " come on we're almost their" 

"okay" I said and suddenly we were no longer surrounded by trees but we were in a clearing in the woods (its at the side) It was beautiful! It was currently the middle of Autumn so the entire field was covered in orange brown and red leaves.

"Ashley it so beautiful!" I said and wrapped my arms around him in a hug

"yeah it is, I used to come here when I was a kid, I have never seen anyone else come here and I have never told anyone else about it" He said grinning

"really?" I asked shocked 

"yeah, I wanted to share it with only you because I love you" He said sweetly

"awww Ashes!" I said flattered and them I leaned in placing a kiss on his lips

Suddenly I felt myself pulled back by several set of arms. 

"what the fuck!" I yelled as I saw I was being held back by a lot of strangers and I looked and saw Ashley was being held back too but not by as many people. 

I was about to ask who they were when I saw Ashley's father come out from behind a tree "hello Andrew" he said giving me a grin that made me want to punch him.

I realized that the people holding me and Ashley must be his wolf pack. "what the fuck! let us go!" I yelled

"oh Andrew you got away last time but this time I have enough people to hold you down, you may be stronger than me but you are not stronger than all of us" he said chuckling

"why are you doing this what do you want" I screamed

"that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot" he said grinning at me showing his slightly yellow teeth.

I growled at him and he said "take them away" and the pack started to drag me and Ashley away.

"GET OFF ME YOU ASSHOLES!!! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs and thrashed trying to get away trying to save him but their were to many of them,

but them I felt someone inject me with something and everything turned Black....


hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I wrote because I am really happy and it's CHRISTMAS!!! YEY YEY YEY

merry christmas guys I hope you got every thing you wanted this year  ^-^

lots of merry love


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