blood sharing <3

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hey guys!!!!!!!! I just discovered this awesome CD shop in my town that i never knew was their!! i bought the set the world on fire album (black veil brides) and the three cheers for sweet revenge album (my chemical romance)

i am listening to give em' hell kid right now ^-^

anyway enough about me, lets start the chapter!!! 


Ashleys POV 

I woke up to someone shaking me.

"Ashes baby wake up" the voice cooed but i ignored it, not wanting to get up yet.

Then i felt someone blowing a raspberry on my stomach and i jumped up letting out a laugh.

I saw Andy with his head by my stomach and a grin on his face.

"hmmmmm why are you waking me up" i groaned still half asleep.

"we have school, I would skip but we have already missed a couple of days of it because of all this drama, Its Thursday"

"UGGGHH! I don't wanna go to school!"  i groaned more awake now

" well unless you want me to drag you downstairs while your naked then i sugest you get up and get dressed" he said giggling

I jumped up when he said this and grumbled as i got out of bed.

"but andyyyyyy I still don't have clothes!!" i whined

"yes you do, CC went to the wolf house and got them" he held up a bag 

I sighed and took the bag from him taking out a KISS t-shirt and some black rippied skinny jeans and some cowboy boots.

I got dressed and Andy just sat on the bed and watched 

pervert i thought

"I am not!" Andy gasped

"what I didn't say that out loud!" i said confused

"well we're mates we can read each others thoughts" he said

"really? how did i not know about this?"

"because i am a vampire and have the ability to block my thoughts you however can't" He said smirking

" will you unblock your thoughts for me please" i said pouting

okay outlaw i heard Andy's voice say in my head

I grinned at him and planted a kiss on his lips.

I love you Andy i thought with my lips still attached to his

I love you too Ashley he thought and licked my bottom lip asking for entrance

I gladly let him in and he tasted every inch of my mouth and i did the same to his. god i could never get over his taste. <3


Me and Andy unattached our lips and i tried to use my hands to push my self of him but a large pain went through my wrist.

what the fuck

"you broke your wrist when your dad through you against the wall" he explained

"oh" i poked my wrist and hissed out in pain

Then Andy bit into his own wrist and held it out to me

"why are you showing me your wrist?" i asked looking at the two perfect teeth holes.

"Vampire blood heals injuries, so drink"

I looked at his wrist and then leaned down, I kissed his wound and then started to drink.

OH GOD! it tasted like heaven, it was practically orgasmic.

Ashes I'm getting a little light headed here Andy thought to me

I took my fee hand that wasn't holding Andy wrist and moved my hair from my neck

Drink from me then

I moved so my back was pressed up against his chest so he had good access to my neck and i had good access to his wrist.

He bit into me and i felt twice as good as when he had done it before. Maybe it was because I was drinking his blood at the same time, I don't know but right now I don't really care.

After god knows how long Andy pulled away from my neck and  pulled away from his wrist.

"that was....." Andy didn't finish his sentence he just held me closer. so i hummed in response.

"I love you Ashes"

"I love you so much Andy but now we have school" I said getting up

Andy whimpered at the loss of contact and i turned to his and dragged him downstairs with me keeping hold of his hand.

I never wanted to let go.


Andy's POV

Me and Ashes were walking through the hall way. we were next to each other but we wern't holding hands.

I knew why, Ashley was scared of these kids, he was terrified that they would hurt him and I didn't know that because i can read his mind, I know it because it is way to obvious.

"HEY FAG! i heard coming from behind us.

 turned to see Justin, the same guy that tried to beat me up the first day of school and failed miserably.

When he saw me a glint of fear flashed in his eyes but he continued to walk to me and Ashley

"this your boyfriend purdy?" he said trying to scare him and it was working, I had to do something

I grabbed Justin's collar and shoved him into the lockers and he fell to the ground.

"hello again Justin, miss me?" i asked grinning down at the pathetic boy.

He scrambled up and raised his chin to look at me.

"you have some nerve....."

"My name is Andy Biersack"

"well Andy you may have got away with this crap on Monday but you won't this time"

"oh won't I?" i said raising my eyebrow at him grinning

He didn't say anything to me he just threw a punch and i easily dodged it.

He threw about 4 more punches and i avoided them all before i got board and punched him in the jaw and he fell to the ground.

"Justin face it I'm stronger than you" I said grinning down at him "now if you leave me and Ashley alone I will leave you alone, okay?"

He glared at me and I grinned down at him "Bye Justin"

Then i walked over to Ash and we walked over to first period together, French


hey guys  got inspired for some random reason and i felt like writing so here you go!!!


lots of love


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