cigarettes and bubble mint

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hey guys, if your reading this i hope you enjoy, they will be meeting for  the first time in this chapter so i hope you enjoy 

                              love Alice


i walked through the door, taking a long drag from my cigarette before blowing it out into the air. i started to walk down the hall but then i was stoped by a kid. he was alot shorter than me and didn't look very strong but i could tell he was a bully.

"what do you think your doing faggot?" he said trying to get up in my face but he obiously wasn't tall enough.

"well i am smoking a cigarette, what are you doing?" i said to him with a smug smile on my face.

"don't get smart with me faggot!" he said looking like he was starting to get pissed off. it was really funny 

"whats your name?" i said giving him a grin

"my names justin beibeir and you are pissing me off" he said

"how was your surgery?" i said

he gave me a confused look "what do you mean surgery?"

i rolled my eyes "your sex change operation, i mean your obviously not male with that girlish voice of yours" i said smirking as i watched his face turn red.

then he swung for me trying to punch me in the face. i grabbed his fist and pushed him to the ground.

"i don't wanna fight you justin,, just stop being an ass hole and you won't get your ass kicked" i said making my voice sound kind and sweet, just to piss him off.

i started to walk of before i hear him getting up and running at me from behind. 

at the last minute i turned around and punched him in the stomach

then the bell rang "bye justin" i said

before walking off again cigarette still in my mouth.

suddenly i was pulled into a room as i walked past it. i presumed t was jayy wanting to skip first period or something so i let my self be pulled by the super-natural strength.

i turned and i didn't see jayy but a boy i didn't know chewing bubble gum wth a worried expresion on his face even though i could tell he was trying to look fearless so i went with it.

"what are you?" he said.

"i don't know what you mean" i say trying to sound casuaul

"you know what i mean, what are you are you some kind of other werewolf?" he said

"does that mean your a werewolf?" i said. i was shocked i never knew their where other super natural beings before.

"" he said sounding unsure of weather he should tell me or not.

"well..whats your name?" i said realising i didn't know who i was talking to.

"im ashley" he said giving me a shy smile. awwww cute!!! i wonder if he's gay? wait what ANDY NO YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND REMEMBER MATT!.

"well ashey I'm a vampire" i said blowing smoke rings in his face with every word.

he coughed obviously not used to the smoke.

"can you stop that! and what do you mean vampire?" he said

"well little ashes, a vampire is a super natural being that drinks blood has fangs and read eyes an-"

what are the odds ( andley boyxboy )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora