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(Marionette's POV)

I stared at the girl in my box. She was sleeping peacefully now. I looked at the plush she was holding.

It looked like the one on the counter outside my box. I remember hearing the girl coming towards me. I peeked out of my box and saw her. She was interesting to say the least.

She noticed the Freddy plush on the counter. She had picked it up and examined it.

Then the music stopped. I quickly grew restless. I assumed that the girl knew what happened to my music. So I stepped out of my box and brought her to my box. She had screamed when she saw me. Bringing her into my box was a last resort. I didn't want anyone who worked here beside the night guard to see me out of my box.

I heard a soft knocking on the lid to my box. I slowly opened the lid. Mangle was hanging above my box. "What is it?" I asked her. "People are looking for the girl." Mangle said with her messed up voice. "And?" "They they they they."Mangle repeated. I hit her head. "Might search your box."Mangle finished. I turned and looked at the girl. Her face had set in a frown. I sighed. "I'll place her outside the box by the prize counter."I said. Mangle nodded and moved back to her corner of the kid's cove.

I stared at the girl for a minute. I sensed something strange in her. A sort of power that I couldn't describe. I shook my head. I need to get her somewhere the people will find her. I thought. I carefully wrapped my arms around the girl and lifted her up out of the box. I placed her in a corner behind the prize counter.

After I made sure she was alright I slipped back into my box. I took one last peek at the outside world. I was reluctant to go back inside my box without the music box on. I closed the lid, sat in a corner of my box and waited for something, anything to happen.

(Carrie's POV)

When I woke up I wasn't at Freddy Fazbears anymore. I was lying in a bed. But it wasn't my bed.I was still holding my golden bear plush.I crawled out of the bed and grabbed a flashlight that was sitting on the bedside table. I flicked it on and looked around the room. 

The room had two doors. One on the left and one on the right with a closet right in the middle.There was a dresser to the left of the closet surrounded by toys. Nothing looked familiar to me. I heard a thud outside the right door. I put down the plush and went to the door.

I opened the door and looked outside. I saw something disappear around the corner. I tilted my head to the side. I wanted to go investigate but I heard something on the other side. I went over to the other door and opened it. Again something disappeared around the corner. 

I moved back to the bed and sat down.I stared straight ahead and hummed to myself. I don't know what song I was humming but I somehow knew it's melody. I heard another thump coming from the left door. I waited for a minute. Then I moved towards the door.

I grabbed the handle and froze. I heard something. I put my ear next to the door and listened. For a moment I didn't hear anything. Then something took a deep breath in. I quickly slammed the door closed breathing heavily. "Is someone there?" I asked. For a moment there was silence. Then "Who are you?" A deep mechanical voice said. "Carrie."I said sitting down leaning up against the door. "Carrie."The voice repeated. "You are not the person who's dreams I usually haunt." I had to think about that for a minute. "So you're a nightmare?"I asked. Silence. "I have no name."The voice said. "I have no feelings. I am not real." I felt sad for the nightmare on the other side of the door. I stood up and grabbed the handle. I very slowly opened the door. 

On the other see I couldn't see anything. Nothing but two glowing red eyes staring down at me.For a moment we just stared at each other. Then the eyes moved closer. I stepped back. The eyes moved into the room. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't scared. The nightmare was really tall. He looked like my bear plush only he was black with a yellow tie and hat. He was kind of see through. He had sharp metal teeth and claws. He even had teeth like points around his mid section.

He looked down at me. "You're interesting Carrie."The nightmare said.  I could only stare at him. I had things I wanted to say to him but couldn't get them out of my throat. The nightmare knelt down so we were eye to eye. "Normally in these dreams I'm kept out of this room. And yet you just let me in. Knowing my role in this nightmare." I shrugged. "I'm not scared. At least not anymore." I said.

The nightmare held out his hand. "Please take my hand." He asked. I frowned. "Why?"I asked. "Please."The nightmare begged. "Let me into your mind. Let me inhabit your dreams." I stared at his glowing red eyes. "Please."He asked again. "I don't want to keep wandering this house. I don't want to be alone." I looked at his hand. His sharp claws looked like they could rip me in two.

I slowly lifted my hand and placed it in his. Nightmare made a loud high pitched scream. In a flash of red light everything went black.

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