Night 3

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Hello hello! See? I told you you wouldn't have any problems!

Did...uh... Did Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not. I was just curious. Like I said, he was always my favorite. They tried to remake Foxy, ya know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary, so they redesigned him to be more kid-friendly and put him in Kid's Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained, you know... But kids these days just can't keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally has to put Foxy back together after every shift. So eventually they stopped trying and left him as some 'take apart and put back together' attraction. Now he's just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just "The Mangle." Uh...

Oh, hey, before I go, uh, I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. You know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you that, whatever is going on out there, and however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. It's just all rumor and speculation... People trying to make a buck. You know... Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual. And he's on watch from opening til close.

Okay, well anyway, hang in there and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
(Carrie's POV)
I got bored after maybe an hour of sitting there watching my dad keep the animatronics out of the office. They were really going at it tonight. They had started moving as soon as the phone guy started talking.

One minute Toy Bonnie was on the main stage, the next he was in the party room trying to get into the vent. But as I said earlier I had gotten bored after a hour of watching my dad work in a panic trying to keep them out. I decided to sneak out through the vent. I ran into Toy Chica on the other side of the vent. She stood in front of the camera until it was safe for me to leave.

I decided to sneak over to the Marionette's box. I hadn't seen him at all during the night shift. I sort of recalled him saying something about a music box, but I couldn't remember exactly what he had said. Thankfully Withered Bonnie was standing in the hallway so I could leave without my dad noticing me. After a lot of sneaking around dodging cameras I finally reached the prize counter. I heard the sound of the music box coming from the counter. Every now nd then it would start to slow then crank back up. Oh right I thought. The music box keeps Marionette asleep.

After maybe a minute of standing there listening to the music box I walked over to Marionette's box. Normally Marionette would lift me into the box himself. But because he was asleep I had to get inside myself. After a bit of struggle, I finally managed to climb inside the box and close the lid above me.

The box was pitch black as normal. I turned my flashlight on and looked at the sleeping Marionette. Marionette slept sitting up, leaning against the side of the box. His legs were tucked up slightly and one hand rested across his lap while the other was laying limp by his side. It was a miracle I didn't accidently step or sit on him while I was trying to get inside the box. I had landed just in between his arm and his body. I moved over to the other side of the box. There was only a little bit of space between me and Marionette.

Looking at Marionette it was hard to tell he was sleeping. He looked as if he would move and any moment. They only thing that gave away the fact that he was asleep was that his eyes didn't have the tiny white dots in them. Other than that he looked wide awake. I guess it helps that he told me that he sleeps I thought. I can kinda tell.

I leaned back against the box and let the flashlight roll away from me. My lack of sleep was starting to catch up with me. Which was unusual, I was used to going days with little sleep. "Maybe it's because of the music box" I said to myself. "It does have a soothing melody." My thought soon started to get cloudy. I could only hear the soft music coming from the music box outside. I thought I heard someone shouting my name but I quickly dismissed it as my brain playing tricks on me. I laid down on the floor of the music box, laying my head on my arm and let the music box lull me to sleep.

(Withered Bonnie's POV)
I was standing in front of the office when I heard Carrie's footsteps behind me. I knew they were hers because no one else was brave or stupid enough to wander around the pizzeria at night. The night guard was flashing the flash light at my face. Next thing I know I was back in the parts and service room.

Foxy was standing in the middle of the room while Chica was leaning against the wall in her usual spot. "That darn light keeps sending me back here" I said grumpily. "It's alright Bonnie" Chica said sweetly. "It does that to all of us." "That blasted light be the one thing that keeps me from running at the security guard" Foxy growled.

I sat back at my usual spot against the wall. "We really need to talk to Balloon boy about disabling that flashlight." I said leaning my head against the wall. "Aye" Foxy said. Foxy was usually the one who dealt with Balloon boy. For some reason Balloon boy would only listen to Foxy and helped him by going into the office and taking the batteries out of the night guards office. He then would laugh non stop until Foxy came and killed the night guard. "This night guard is doing fairly well" Chica said sadly. "What if we can't kill him before Friday?" "We'll kill 'em" Foxy reassured. "Carrie said that she would help us out if need be."

I started to say something but stopped when I saw the camera was on. I waited until the camera was off before continuing "Carrie is already in the office at the start of the night shift" I said. "She could probably disable the flashlight for us." "And keep that other Freddy from taking the night guard's place" Chica said crossing what was left of her arms in annoyance. "I hate that guy" Foxy said. He opened the door and took a peek outside. "I'm going ta go see if I can run at him" Foxy and to us. He left the parts and service and went to the front of the hall.

Chica and I also stood up. "I'm going to see if I can draw his attention" she said walking out of the parts and service rom. I nodded and also left. I went into the main dining area. Toy Bonnie was on the stage staring straight ahead. I moved to one of the tables and stared at the camera.

Suddenly I heard a call coming from the office. "Carrie!?" Me and Toy Bonnie both turned to look towards the office. "Guess he noticed Carrie left" Toy Bonnie said. "Question is, is he going to leave the office and look for her?" I asked looking at him. Toy Bonnie shook his head. "I highly doubt it" He said shifting his guitar. "From what Carrie said he doesn't care to much about her. He just wants to make a good impression on other people. That's the only reason he keeps her around." "Oh" Was all I could say about that. The camera light came on. We both froze in our places until it turned off.

"Do you know where Carrie went?" I asked Toy Bonnie. "She climbed into Marionette's box a little while ago." He said pointing towards the prize counter. "I bet by know she probably fell asleep. That music box has that effect on people." I nodded as he climbed off the stage. We both went into the hall. Foxy was gone. Most likely back to parts and service.

I walked into the hallway while Toy Bonnie went into a party room to try and get inside the vent. After hours of trying the clock finally chimed six. I went back into the parts and service room. Freddy was already there on the floor and Foxy sat behind the wall. I sat on the floor against the wall. Chica came in a bit later and sat at her spot of the floor. I watched as my friends shut down before shutting down myself.

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