Making a plan

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(Just a quick note I just wanted to thank everyone who liked my fanfic. Words cannot express how happy it made me to see how many people liked it. Thank y'all so so much. And now without further ado here's the next chapter. Hope you enjoy.)

(Carrie's POV)

When we had finally arrived at the Pizzaria, I couldn't wait for the night shift to get started. "Remember Carrie." Dad said grabbing my arm "You have to stay in the office with me, got it?" "Yeah dad" I said rolling my eyes. My dad gave me a stern look before heading inside. I followed. We walked in and dad made a straight line for the office. I looked at the Marionette's box. He was finishing passing out presents to little kids. Our eyes met (I think) for a brief minute, before I had passed the prize corner.

Dad lead me all the way down the hall to the large open office. "This is an office?" I said turning in a full circle taking in the room. The first thing I noticed was that there were no doors, just a large open space that lead down the hall. It also had two large open vents on both sides. I wonder if kids ever try to crawl through that I thought.

The walls were dirty and covered with wires, poster of the Toy animatronics and little kids drawings. Above the opening that lead to the hall were two white triangle signs with red borders and black exlamation points. What purpose they served I had no clue. But they were there. There was a small pile of old T.Vs in each corner by the opening. In the center of the room was a desk. It was littered with papers and had a black metal fan. There was a button labeled Flashlight and a little tablet. I assumed that was the camera monitors. Above both of the vents were buttons. I pressed one and a light came on in the vent.

I walked around the room, plotting a way to make an escape. "Yup, this is the office." My dad said putting his hands on his hips. "It's our office. At least for this week." "Why just this week?" I asked. "Because for now we're just working for the week. If I like the job and am doing good at it then I can keep it." "And if not?" "Then I quit and go back to my old job as a busboy." "Huh." I said thoughtfully. So the animatronics only have a week to kill him I thought. I hope they can manage it. I plopped down into a corner and pulled out my sketch book. I had been working on a sketch of the Marionette. I was having trouble shading him right. Since his color scheme was mostly black and white I was having trouble balancing the colors to make it look good. Plus my brain was giving me all kinds of different ideas.

"Now Carrie, I've been hearing uh... some.... rumors so to say." My dad said. "Oh yeah?" I said only half listening. "I've heard that the uh... the animatronics like to uh... come after the security guard after hours." He continued. "You don't say." I replied my brain not registering what he was saying. "So it is really important that you stay in here." My dad finished. "Uh huh." I said. "Good." My dad breathed. "What kind of impression would I be leaving if I let my good for nothing daughter get slaughtered by animatronics?" My dad mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

My dad hadn't realized that we didn't have to be here till twelve 'o clock tonight. We had arrived at ten. Two hours early. Dad had gone off to help close everything down, leaving me to inspect to office in peace. I put away my sketch book and inspected the vents. The on on the left lead to one of the party rooms. There was no cover over the vent.

I crawled into the vent. I fit perfectly. I crawled back out and sat in the corner. I quickly drew out a map of the pizzaria. I grabbed the camera monitor and checked out where all the cameras were. I made a mark on the map where there was a camera. I also marked off where all the animatronics were. I studied my map carefully. If I could make it to parts and service there was a spot where the camera couldn't see me. But how to sneak out?

I heard a clock chime. It was eleven 'o clock now. Just one more hour to go.My dad entered the office. "Carrie" He snapped. I looked up and closed my book. "Get out there and make yourself useful." I quietly put my sketch book away and slung my bag over my shoulder. I walked out to the main dining area. "Here lass." said one of the workers. He passed me a bucket and a sponge. "Clean off the animatronics will ya?" I took the bucket and the sponge quietly and began to clean off the animatronics.

I started with Toy Bonnie. I moved his guitar out of the way and cleaned his torso. I then cleaned his arms and legs, then his head. I cleaned his guitar and put it back in his hands. I moved on to Toy Freddy. I did the same to him, making sure to clean off his microphone. Finally I needed to clean off Toy Chica. As I was cleaning her head I noticed that her beak was kind of loose. I decided not to mess with it. I cleaned off Chica's cupcake. My mind took me back to my dream. The cupcake looked different then.

When I was done cleaning the animatronics on the stage I went to clean the ones in play area. I started with Balloon Boy. I cleaned off his hat and body. Then I scrubbed down his sign and the balloon in his hands. I gave his little propeller hat a little spin before I moved on to Mangle. Mangle had once again been mangled. Her suit had once again been broken, her body parts were all thrown into a pile.

I looked at the pile sadly. I see why they gave up trying to fix her I thought. I put parts of Mangle together, any way that I could. She didn't look like herself but at least she was together. That was going to have to do for now. I carefully cleaned off the different parts of Mangle. She was still a pile of parts, but at least she was clean.

I put the bucket of now dirty water and the sponge on the stage. I walked over to the prize counter. I picked up the Freddy music box and stopped it. After a minute the Marionette peeked out of his box. "I'm assuming you managed to convience your dad to take the night shift?" He said quietly. I nodded "I figured out how to sneak out of the office." "Good" Marionette muttered. "Carrie, when the night shift starts I will be asleep." I nodded in understanding. "You dad will most likely survive the first two nights" he continued. "On the third and fourth he will have more difficulty." "And on the fifth?" I asked. "Only the smallest hope for him will remain." I smiled. "I hope you make him suffer." The Marionette nodded "As do I."

"Carrie!"Someone shouted. Mostly likely my dad. I turned the music box back on and left the prize corner. My dad was standing in the dining area. "Carrie go to the office and stay in there." He said pointing down the hall. "The night shift is going to start soon." I nodded and walked down to the office. I was hoping that my dad would get to distracted by the animatronics that he wouldn't noticed if I slipped away via the vents.

I sat in a corner behind the desk and pulled my sketch book out again. I stared at the map I had made. I hope they kill him I thought. He deserves to die. I heard footsteps coming towards to office. I put my sketch book in my bag. My dad walked into the office and sat behind the desk. "Alrighty then" He said. I heard the clock strike twelve. The night shift had begun.

These are my friends (A Five Nights At Freddy's Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora